The whirring sound of the mocking wind and the bloodcurdling screams of the entity filled my mind as I raced towards the door. It was so close! Just a few extra seconds of running until I made it. As my eyes were glued to the door, I had accidentally tripped on a green book, whose pages have almost been completely ripped out. I fell to the floor, hitting my chin harsely against the unforgiving floors. The inertia of the fall had sent me sliding across the carpet, burning my body and opening up the wounds I had on my arms. I let out an agonizing cry as I bit down into my lower lip. Filled with determination, I picked myself up and continued to run. By now, my injuries were getting worse. The smoke in the air was beginning to take over. I felt like I was suffocating, and my vision had become blurry. It was getting hard to maneuver myself around the fallen obstacles. The giant arms also proved a major threat, but I was only able to barely get past them. One tried grabbing onto my shirt. But, with one big yank, I managed to escape with a portion of my shirt torn off. 

   The combination of my wounds, the cuts, the lack of oxygen, the blurry vision, the fatigue, and the tears accumulating in my eyes had all stacked on top of one another, making my chances of survival slim. I don't know why, but this hallway was way longer than the previous one. My legs were going to give up soon. With every step I took, I only shoved the glass shards deeper and deeper into my soles, and I was given to time to stop and pull them out. By now, I was leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints, staining the green carpet. I looked up and I could now see the door only inches away from me! With the last of my energy, I pushed the door wide open. I jumped through the doorframe and collapsed into a heap on the floor. I watched as the entity was meters away from grabbing me when the door shut it out. It banged against the door 3 times, each one shaking the room, rattling the drawers, closets, and paintings.

   I sighed in relief as I was glad I survived my 2nd chase from it. Now that I was safe, I began inspecting my wounds. I pulled out any glass shards that were stuck to my body, each pull causing me immense stinging pain, like hand sanitizer on a paper cut. I checked my foot after forcefully, and painfully, yanking out the glass shard embedded in it. I tried to walk, only to be met with sharp pain, causing me to fall to the floor again. By now, everything was hopeless. I started to drag myself around the room, checking every drawer in hopes of finding bandages. And I did!

   As I looked through each and every room's drawers, I found 4 bandages. The magical properties of them allowed my wounds to heal fairly quickly. By the 4th bandage, I was now able to walk and sustained only minor injuries to my foot and arms. While searching, I also ran into the key needed for the padlocked door, saving me from using my one and only lockpick. I walked up to Door 0089 and removed the lock from the doorknob.

   I walked into Door 0090 and was immediately met with the creature from the closet, now giant sized and staring straight into my soul. Before I could even process it, it screamed at me before disappearing, sending me to the floor in pure terror. As I tried to make sense of what just happened, I looked into the room to discover it was going to be a dark room. Taking out my lighter, I ignited it and walked into the pitch black room. Thankfully, it wasn't a key room and I just had to climb up some stairs to get to the door. As I walked up the staircase, I kept looking around me, making sure that annoying floating ball never manifested itself to bite me. And it never did, thankfully!

   As I approached the next door, a feeling of dread suddenly washed over me. I was nearing Door 100, and who knows what would be behind it. I met a horrible entity back in Door 50, so it's not that far of a stretch to believe something was waiting for me at the end of this nightmare. I tried my best not to think about it, but it went down in vain. What was I going to do if I ever escaped this place? It wasn't like I was still on Earth. Hell, I might as well be in another dimension! I don't know how to get back home. How would I even survive if I ever escape? All that's visible beyond the windows is a dark abyss, which seemingly goes on forever...

...Whatever, I'll find out when I get there...


   hey guys! that concludes the end of this chapter! Yeahh so things aren't looking good for our MC 💀 but look on the bright side! there's a whole nother adventure for him to discover. anyways, i'll be going back into hiding now LOL

   also, i'm working on another book and i might put full effort into it once this book series is done. if u wanna continue reading my works, i suggest you go read it when it comes out 😈 (dw i'll tell y'all abt it)

anyways, i have a few question for y'all

which chapter stood out to you the most?

what're your thoughts on pinapple (tryna prove a point here)

what are some other roblox games i could write about? (i'll check it out lol)

u dont have to answer them all, only if you choose to 😁

kk, val out! have a nice day hehe 💕


the door is my death | Roblox Doors story 👁️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن