They were all active outside the ecliptic.

Edwin and the Archduke moved their belongings and each got on their horses.

After riding on the horse with Angelina, Edwin placed her in a comfortable position and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Master, please go home safely. We will be waiting for you in the estate."

Jenny and her attendants bowed their heads towards Edwin and Angelina.

They planned to drive their wagon back to their estate.

Edwin nodded his head at them and drove the horse slowly.

The Archduke matched Edwin's pace, and the Sharks followed.

While checking Angelina's condition, Edwin increased his speed little by little, and then started running fast.

It was because he could not delay as Raven would come after him soon.

Eventually, the sun completely disappeared and only the moonlight illuminated the path.

'I need to make it easy for Rina to rest.'

Edwin was annoyed by this situation and was about to go crazy.

The first thing to come to an agreement while discussing future measures with the Grand Duke was that he should leave the imperial capital.

As soon as the Crown Prince finds out about Angelina's identity from Raven, he will immediately issue a lockdown order.

Warlocks can also do another trick, so they had to move to a place they don't know as much as possible.

In my mind, I want to attack the Imperial Palace like this and kill them all, but I endured thinking of Angelina.

Since he didn't bring all the knights from the territory, she could be in danger.

'Damn imperial bastards.'

Neither the Imperial Family nor the Warlock would ever forgive him.

'I tried to kill my bride, so I'll have to pay the price.'

Blue eyes resembling aquamarine darkened to live.

While he was running, he constantly checked the sound of Angelina's breathing.

His speed was interrupted by the ripping of the wind, but his excellent hearing did not miss the small, colorful breaths.

Even with the steady sound of breathing, the anxiety that disturbed my mind did not go away.

He pulled Angelina into her arms even more.

At the warm body temperature that confirms that he is alive, he exhorted himself over and over again.

'Lina is alive. Lina is fine.'

The moment when the runaway stops and you see Angelina falling from the sky.

My heart was pounding.

It was the first time. There was a time when I was so afraid that my eyes went black.

Even before meeting Angelina, relying on a broken opal to wait for death to come.

I wasn't so afraid when I was ready to die and explode my power to save Angelina.

Was it such a scary thing to lose someone?

Edwin remembered when his parents died.

When my mother passed away from an illness, I was sad and missed.

Marigold fell into the Yandere's armsWhere stories live. Discover now