[Please don't hurt me]

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I wake up to screaming, crying, and loud rustling. I look down quickly and see Tommy, Crying and shaking on the ground. He must have fallen asleep here and started having nightmares. What a pain. I roll over and groan. For a while I just sit there trying to go to sleep, but I finally slip down to the ground and slowly crawl over to him and stare at his face. I lit a match to see him better and as i suspected he's crying. I roll my eyes and groan as I poke him. I'm not gonna just let him sit here and panic to death. I may be a "Bad Guy" but he's a kid! And I'm not a monster. I poke him one more time and he opens his eyes slowly, then he screams and backs up quickly like I'm some sort of huge spider on the wall. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!" He screams. "Look I'm not gonna hurt you...I was just trying to sleep and you woke me up with your loud annoying racket! Now you're welcome, goodbye, and go home..." I say this as I climb into the tree once again. I hear him get up and run away

I wake up in the morning to the sun beaming down on me. The warmth welcomes me back into the world of the truth. I slip down and smile. He's gone! Maybe it was a bad dream after all! I bend down to grab a box of matches i dropped, but as soon as I stand an arm wraps around my throat pulling me into a choke hold. I panic and pull out an arrow. I quickly stab whatever is behind me with it and it lets go. I hear a loud scream and a whimper from behind me. I turn quickly and there he is. The man of the weak. Tommy Fucking Innit. I look down to see him gripping his leg, my arrow sticking out of it. "You fucking stabbed me!!" He yells out as he cries more. "And you tried to choke me!" I say as I slowly start to panic. I can't just leave him here! He would never make it! "Look, don't pull it out! It will bleed more!" I say as I look through my bag quickly. "Oh shit...God dammit this hurts!! Why would you do this!?" He screams as he slowly sits down as well as he could. "Again...You tried to kill me!" I say back finding extra bandages and an unopened bottle of whisky I was trying to save for Techno and I. He looks down as more tears stream in waterfalls down his face.

"Look kid. I need to take it out, stitch it up, and wrap it up so it can't get hurt more. Do you trust me?" ask as i pull out a small first aid kit with some thread and a needle. His face looks at me terrified but with a face of reluctance he nods. I grab everything and assess the damage. I need to roll his pant leg up but the damn arrow is in the way. "Bite this" I hand him the roll of bandage as I slowly grip the arrow. I look at him, the terror in his eyes, the tears all over his face and shirt. I almost feel bad for him. I count down from five and slowly pull it out. The screams that bellow out of this boy's mouth almost put me to tears. I know this pain, and I would never wish it upon anyone. He cries out a name I can't quite make out. His face scrunched up as he tried to wipe his tears and look tough. I roll up his pant leg slowly and look at the wound better. It's worse than what i thought. "Okay now i need to wash it" I say as i pull out the bottle of whisky. I open it and look in his eyes. "Bite" I pour a good amount onto his leg. He screams and squirms a bit. "Stay still. Now it's time for the stitches." He gasps and grabs the bottle from me. Chugging the rest of it. This kid is not so bad after all. I thread the needle and carefully stitch the wound. I then take the bandage from him and wrap it up tightly. "Thank you Dream..." he whispers under his breath. "Sorry? Say it louder." I say as I put everything back. He groans and tries to stand up, but he gives up and sits. "Now, Goodbye!" I say as I put my bag on and walk away. "WAIT!" He screams for me. "Please stay...One night? Just to make sure it's fine in the morning?" He asks. I turn slowly and sigh. "One night."

I spend the rest of the day gathering food and wood to make a fire. I build the fire and start cooking the meat. We spend hours in silence till finally he speaks. "Why are you even out here?" This question catches me off guard. I look up from the fire at him. "I'm looking for someone." I look away and take a small bite of my steak. He tilts his head "Who? George? Sapnap? Techno?" He asks as he also eats his food. "That part is none of your business." I say sharply as I stand. "It's getting late, kid. You need sleep to get back by yourself. You look like you need the energy." I say and climb into the tree. "Stop worrying about me, you blade of grass." He says this as he looks up at the stars. "Shut up Cola can." I lay down and examine him closely. His eyes tired and red from crying all day. His lips chapped from what I would presume is the cold. His hair all rugged up and his clothes dirty and tattered. How could someone live like that? Can he not just get new clothes? He looks back down and lays on his back. He finally drifts off to sleep. I smile and turn my head away from him as I soon follow his lead into the world of the quiet dark.

I wake up in the gloomy ocean. He stands in the middle of the void. His wings twitching, his body hunched over. I run for him. "Okay man, not cool! Don't put me near Tommy EVER again! I had to save his ass one time too many!" I yell as I cross my arms. "Boy in Red...Get the Boy in Red!! Keep him safe!" He hisses as he turns sharply. He looks down on me and smiles. "When you wake up you need to keep this...Tommy in your sights. He might help you in your journey." He says this and bends down to my height. "NO! Absolutely not!" I back up a bit and groan. He tilts his head as chains wrap around my neck and wrists. "I wasn't asking you kid..." He says this and they fall. "I'm getting tired of you. I want one thing from you and you complain the whole way through. Please Dream. ONE THING!!" He hisses and he turns to smoke and runs through me. I woke up quickly. It's daytime. I Look over, Tommy is gone. Oh great! OH SHIT TOMMY IS GONE!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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