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My lungs fill with pain as I wake up in a hazy black cloud of smoke. I stand up slowly and frantically look around, The smoke bite at my eyes, and rips at my lungs. I notice a large slender man standing in what seems to be the centre of the smoke cloud. I make my way slowly through the smoky fog till I finally make it. Now that I'm out of that shadowing spectre of smoke and fog I can see clearly. I look down and notice the ground seems to move like waves in an ocean, only it's black and lifeless. I lightly tap my foot on the ground and notice it ripple endlessly around me. As soon as I do this the tall figure turns around to look down at me. Its eyes covered in bloody bandages, Its body covered in a dark forest green cloak, halos circling its head in perfect symmetry, and gigantic black wings almost triple his height. This thing is already tall, about seven feet from a rough estimate.

"W..what are you?" I stammer as I step back, Now noticing creepy eyes looking at me through the feathers in his wings. The thing tilts its head and smiles creepily at me. His sharp white teeth send a shiver up my spine. "I'm whatever I need to be, and wherever I need to be. I'm me. Xerxeus Dashiell... XD For short." Its voice is soft...Almost soothing in a way. Its voice filled with confusion and assurance. "What do you want with me? Where am I?" I speak out, the hair on the back of my neck slowly standing up. "Don't be afraid Dream...I'm only here to help. Except me as your patron and I'll help you however you want. What do you say?" It says this again with its soothing voice. "What's the catch?" I ask as I cross my arms. "No catch. Just simple offerings and a steady clean minded attitude. As soon as that fades you'll notice the warning signs. You see Dream, I'm here for you. Not the other way around."

It raises its hand up as if I'm supposed to shake it. I lift my hand, sweat drips down my forehead down to my neck. I look into wherever its eyes would be and grip its skinny, cold, and almost sticky hand. As soon as I shake his hand large chains wrap around my wrists, pulling me under the water, filling my lungs with the dark sludgy water. I try to scream for help but no noise sounds. My lungs fill with water as I gasp for air and reach for the glowing figure I see above. My vision goes blurry and I fall limp. I wake up in a cold sweat, my lungs burning and my eyes aching. I get out of my tree quickly and run over to the lake to see my reflection. I sigh in relief as I see I'm still the same. I hear something fall behind me. I turn and see a neatly wrapped box with a tiny green bow on the top. My heart races as I slowly step forward to it. I open it quickly to reveal a mask, with a corny looking smile. A note falls out of it. "Wear this, no one can know your true face. Find the boy in red"

Stage Play of Red and Green (Dream POV)Where stories live. Discover now