Chapter Two | The Walten Family

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(Time skip to when Sophie goes back home cuz yeah)
[Focus on Sophie] [again]

Sophie opens the door and puts her bag on the table, then rests on the living room couch.

"How was school dear?" Her mother Rosemary asked while knitting a sweater for Molly. Sophie doesn't give an answer and stares at the television, set to the news.

Sophie giggles while thinking of something. Rosemary notices and asks: "What's on your mind Sophie?" Sophie gets startled. "Oh- You were there? Sorry, I didn't notice..."

"Hehe, I can never get your attention." she said while continuing to knit.

"I was just thinking of someone," Sophie said. She also takes notice of the sweater. "Wow, is that the sweater Molly wanted? It looks great!" Sophie said while inspecting it thoroughly.

"Yes dear. Speaking of Edd and Molly, why don't you go check on them in their room?" Rosemary said.

Sophie nodded, got up and went upstairs. She peeks inside the room and sees Molly playing with her doll Rocket and Edd doing his homework. She then entered the room.

"Hi Sophie! How are ya?" Molly said in an playful voice. "Do you wanna play with me?" she added. "Oh hey, Sophie you're back!" Edd asked, still working on his homework.

"Yeah, h-how are you guys doing?" Sophie asked. "Were doing fine," Edd answered. Molly grabbed Sophie's hand and dragged her to Molly's dollhouse. Sophie crouches down, opens it up and sees a bunch of dolls scattered around.

"Sophie, let's play dolls!" Sophie agreed and started playing with Molly. Molly made up weird scenarios, but Sophie didn't think of it.

"Hey Sophie, please help me with my homework." Edd asked. Sophie got up and walked over to Edd's desk before her having her arm get grabbed by Molly again. "Sophie, play with me! Don't do his dumb, boring homework!"

"Sorry Molly, but his homework's more important than pretend play. Let's play after this, it won't be quick." Sophie said.

Sophie took a chair and sat besides Edd to help on his Math homework.

"Okay, what are you having trouble with?" Sophie asked as she grabbed a pen from a drawer.

"Uhh, yeah, how do I do problem 23? I forgot how you multiplied and divided fractions." Edd asked, with a perplexed look on his face.

"Uhhh... Hmmm..." Sophie also doesn't know how to do this. She has never been good with Math.

"You know what, go ask mom, I'm tired. It's getting late, I'm gonna go lay down." Sophie said. She then left the room and walked over to her room to take a nap.

[Time skip, by atleast 60 minutes]

Sophie is awakened by the sound of her family chatting downstairs. She walks downstairs and sees her father Jack had finally come home from work.

Jack, Edd and Molly was sat at the dinner table waiting for Rosemary to finish cooking the food for tonight.

"Sophie! You're just in time for dinner! Take a seat, will ya pal?" Jack said, with a grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear. Sophie nodded and took a seat.

Trying to ignore the loud talking of Edd and Molly, Jack asked Sophie "How was school today? Make any new friends sweetie?"

"Uhmm... yeah actually. Her name is Jenny."

Jack felt happy that Sophie was finally making friends. Before, she'd always just try to ignore people who did try to make friends with her.

"Really? That's good! Tell me more about her!" Jack asked in an excited voice. Edd and Molly heard what Sophie said and asked "Sophie, come on tell us more about her!" in unison, strangely.

"Alright, alright! I will..." Sophie said. "Well, u-uh... she has... long pretty red hair... and uhmm, a nice sweater, and she's really kind to me, I guess..." Jack easily noticed the stutters and pauses in her sentence and asked Sophie "What's wrong? You can barely catch your breath!" with a confused voice. Edd and Molly were listening closely.

"Ugh, she's a very nice and pretty girl okay? I love her!"

"..." Jack sat in silence, and Edd and Molly had a confused look on their faces.

"Uhhh- uhh, as a friend, platonically." Sophie said with a worried voice. Her mother Rosemary came to the dining area and put the food on the table, cooked steak. She cut some up into little pieces for Molly and gave the rest to Jack, Sophie, Edd and herself. She then sat down with the rest.

"So," Rosemary continued with "What were you all talking about?" Jack didn't respond and proceeded to eat his dinner. "Mommy, Sophie likes a girl!" Molly said. Sophie quickly cut her off and said "W-What?! No I don't!" in a slightly annoyed tone. "We were just talking about Sophie's friend, mom." Edd said.

"Oooh! Sophie made a friend? That's wonderful!" Rosemary said in a happy tone. "But Molly, what were you talking about earlier?" she asked.

Sophie looked down in her food and started eating it silently. "Sophie likes her friend, Rosemary." Jack said in a serious voice. "What? Really? Well, who is he?" Rosemary asked. Jack responded with "Rosemary..."

"Her friend is a girl."

Rosemary looked quite surprised and looked at Sophie, who was hiding her face. "Is this true dear?" Rosemary asked. Sophie covered her face with her hands and said "No m-mom... I don't like her, I swear...! I-I...." with her cheeks turning into a rosey red color.

Rosemary said "Aww, don't be ashamed honey. I love you no matter who you want to be with. Now tell me, what's her name?" with a kind voice.

Sophie looked at Rosemary with a face of relief and told her "Her name is Jenny..." while playing with her food.

Jack got up and left as he finished eating his dinner. Rosemary saw him and sighed. She then said "Wow! Tell me more about her. She seems like a nice person sweetie."

Sophie nodded and said "Y-Yeah, she is... she was very polite to me and talked to me alot. She's also very funny and pretty. I-I guess I kinda like her..."

Rosemary said "That's great dear! I hope you two get closer to each other. It's nice to see you making friends" while smiling. Molly said "Woah! That's nice! She likes a girl!" while Edd was eating his food, though nodding in approval.

Later when everyone was finished eating. Sophie went up to Edd and Molly's room to play with Molly.

"Hey Molly, we can play dolls now." Sophie said. Molly said "Yay!" and grabbed Sophie's arm. They went to the dollhouse and started playing.

A few minutes later, Edd said "Finally, finished my homework. I just simply forgot the formula..." He then put his homework in his bag and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

After, he put on his pajamas and went back to the bedroom. "Molly, it's time to sleep we have school tomorrow." Edd said. He then went to lay down on his bed. "Ughhhhhh..." Molly groaned. "Okay fine... Sophie can you help me toothbrush?" Sophie nodded and headed to the bathroom, where they both brushed their teeth.

After that, Sophie put pajamas on Molly and put her to sleep. She then turned off the lights and left the room. She went to her room then went to sleep.

🧡💙Sophie Walten x Jenny Letterson [Walten Files AU]Where stories live. Discover now