Death Warp (S3: Ep5)

Start from the beginning

Marko: Sophia just hit one of my guys in the joystick.

Meggy: Oh, ouch.

Tari: Okay! Next destination...(Scans cup)...Scrapbeard's fortress!

Theo's yell of rage drew their attention as he tried to attack the robot before everyone gave him and the bot some looks.

Theo: He started it!

The bot hit him with a cheap shot, laughing.

Theo: Ow! You little piece of-!


Sophia quickly covered Crystal's ears, with her looking around curiously as Sophia breathed a sigh of relief.

Sophia: That was too close...Score 1 for Aunt Sophia!


Arriving at the fortress, Lamar blew the gates down without a second thought.

Lamar: Boom! Got 'em!

Marko: You didn't need to do that, I have the key to this dungeon!

Lamar: Yeah, and I have the key to every dungeon right here.

Tari: Well, the important thing is that we're in, but I'm afraid the trail's gone cold.

Meggy: So...are we just meant to look around until we find an entrance? I doubt Sheridan left any kind of directions.

Marko: Good a plan as any, let's get moving!

Skeletons appeared at the deck to halt them, opening fire. Theo ran in without a second thought.

Theo: Alright, let's do this! KRACKAJACK!!!

Theo crashed down on the deck fists first, sending a shockwave that knocked every enemy flying back.

Lamar: Oh boy, he just ran in.

Tari: What are we waiting for? Let's go!

Nodding, the four of them jumped off the ship to follow him and jumped into battle.

Tari and Meggy ran through guns blazing, shooting enemies left and right. Marko and Theo used brute strength to smash through their skulls while Lamar effortlessly sliced through the enemies left and right.

One skeleton nearly kicked Tari off the ledge, but Meggy shot him and pulled her back up as they ended up doing a pirouette spin before Meggy was holding Tari in a leaning back dance pose. Meggy grinned with a cat purr as Tari blushed.

Once the fight was over, Marko started looking through The bags looking for loot.

Marko: Junk, junk, junk-oh, money! Junk, junk...

He found a glowing bag.

Marko: Oh, a legendary item! I don't wanna share it, hide this back on the ship.

His bot nodded, but the bag was snatched by Meggy before he could grab it.

Meggy: Yoink!

Marko: Hey!

Meggy: Ya snooze, ya loose Marko!

Marko: Would you prefer I take you meta arms?

Meggy: Hey, I sold Masa out for you, I earned...whatever this is.

Meggy grinned and walked away, leaving Marko in the dust.

Captive heart: A Meta Meggy storyWhere stories live. Discover now