Heart to Heart - (S2: Ep5)

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Meggy sat on the bed with Crystal, playing with some some of her dolls as she laughed in happiness. It warmed Meggy's heart, seeing her baby be happy in dark times like this.

Meggy: Aw, your real cutie, you know that Crystal? When this is over, Mommy's taking you out for the biggest ice cream money can buy!

She squealed as her eyes sparkled, Making Meggy smile. She grabbed a strand of her blue hair and sighed...

Mechanical whirring drew her attention as she looked over to Masa, seeing Sophia put the final touches on his new Meta arm.

Sophia: And just about...done!

Masa's arm came to life as he flexed his new mechanical fingers s Lamar got a good look.

Lamar: Looking good man! Just wait until we dress it up a little. Y'know, a paint job, custom plating-Oh! Let's slap some D-cals on it!

Meggy laughed as Masa stood.

Masa: Let's just get to business. Sophia, what's our intel so far?

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

Before Sophia could speak, a game buzz followed by a Japanese word were heard as Lamar froze, everyone else looking in confusion at him.

Meggy: Lamar, what was that?

Lamar: Oh, sorry! That was one of my games, won't happen again. Continue?

Sophia pulled up an image on her tablet, showing a promotional match with Tari on the main cover. Meggy got up and looked at it.

Sophia: So, Lucks has set a big showcase match to announce Tari's introduction to the main line up.

Masa: Then that's our target. It's impossible to safeguard an event that big from every possibility.

Meggy ran a hand over Tari's face on the screen, tears in her eyes as Masa lifted her chin up.

Masa: Don't worry Meggy, we'll do our best. We just need-

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

There was another noise as everyone looked at Lamar again.

Lamar: My games probably just updating!

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

The game kept pinging, driving Meggy to near madness. She could barely heard Masa over the constant pinging.

Masa: And since lucks will be-

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

Masa: -Distracted during the competition, that-

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

Masa:-Means we can-

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)

(PING! Ag-e-gaste!)


His yell caused Crystal to burst out crying, Meggy looking annoyed at both Masa and Lamar as she ran over to calm her.

Lamar: Alright, Chill. I'll put it on silent mode.

Lamar went to shut the game off, but their was a gasp of surprise. Meggy paid him no mind, trying to calm Crystal down as best she could.

Meggy: Shh, shh, it's okay Crystal! Mr Masa was just upset!

She finally settled down, allowing Meggy the chance to hear in on the conversation.

Sophia: Is that...Tari?

Captive heart: A Meta Meggy storyWhere stories live. Discover now