Chapter 07- If You Can't Beat Him, Kiss Him

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(dedicated to @falloxt for the awesome graphic c: )

Chapter 07- If You Can't Beat Him, Kiss Him

I made a bad decision. But of course, being friends with Greg Birkoff required making a lot of awfully bad decisions, which made me wonder why I haven't killed him yet.

As I stood there outside the huddled circle in the middle of the lush green football field, I realized that I felt so fragile since (1) most of them were college football players which meant that (2) they were towering over me with their horrifyingly built bodies and (3) the guy who Greg was against was the team captain. As if that wasn't horrible enough, when I fought my way through these hormonal jocks, I saw a glimpse of Greg struggling to stand back up.

Even though Greg was clearly at disadvantage here, as evident on the bloodstains on his shirt that was streaming down from the sides of his mouth and some bruises that were starting to discolor his face by the second, he still managed to stand back up because he was a fighter. Well, technically speaking, he was more of an idiot than a fighter, but what the heck.

I studied Harvey's state and I was party impressed by Greg with that. I mean sure, Greg had little to no chance of winning here, but Harvey looked pretty wear off as he was.

"Harvey, finish him off!" one of the guys yelled over. There were still a lot of screaming and most of them were obviously blaring at excitement to see my idiotic friend on his defeat. But unlike the rest, I didn't want it to in the bloodiest way possible.

So, without having a systematic plan on how to stop these two knuckleheads from killing each other, I stepped forward which made everyone hush in silence. I let out a smirk when I noticed they were staring at me with confusion, probably thinking I was going out of my mind to step forward.

Maybe I was.

Harvey even stopped throwing punches at Greg and stared at me, with his lips slighted parted, as if he wasn't sure whether to speak or not.

"Hi," I greeted casually as if intervening the fight was completely normal in my context.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice a bit husky. Harvey was obviously the typical college jock-muscular, dirty blonde, impressive jawline, angry blue eyes, satanic grin, bloody knuckles....

"I came here to get my best friend..." I said, trying to stretch out a fake smile at him hoping he'd let me go. Once I grabbed Greg by his collar, Harvey stepped nearer and tried to stop me.

"Whoa, not so fast sweetheart," he stated and blocked my way. "I'm not done with him."

He was about to pull Greg into him but I grabbed him by his shirt and tried to pull him back to me.

"Greg, I am about to do the stupidest thing in the entirety of my human existence. And I want you to run as far as possible. Got that?" I whispered to him as fast as I could but all he gave me was a confused look.

I pushed him behind me and stood between the both of them.

"Listen, babe," he warned me and stepped nearer, towering over me. "I don't want to hurt you. Now please step aside before I do something you would regret."

Without warning him, I ran my hands through his sticky, sweaty hair and curled a smile at him. I even pulled him closer to me which obviously made him stare at me with question.

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