Chapter 05 - Exhibit D: Mr. & Mrs. McKinley

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Chapter 05 - Exhibit D: Mr. & Mrs. McKinley

When I arrived home, the first thing I did was cook dinner, which rarely happens in the McKinley household. Ashton even eyed on me skeptically as he watched me chopping some onions on the counter.

"Relax, I am not planning to give you guys food poisoning," I remarked although Ashton still held on that skeptic look.

"I trust you in all other things Lyn, but cooking isn't one of them," he told me.

"Well, Gordon Ramsay, it's either you can help me out or go back to your room."

"Fine," he finally gave in. "What are we cooking?"

"Black bean and smoked Chicken soup, Spinach Salad in French Orange Dressing with Pine Nuts, Pesto Linguine in Fresh Tomato Sauce, and Peach Crepes," I answered as I flipped the pages of Oprah's Favorite Recipes.

"Are you sure about that?" Ashton questioned as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Hey, if Oprah liked these recipes, that there's a gazillion percent chance mom and dad will like it too," I stated. "I trust in Oprah."

Miraculously, Ashton finally decided to help me out, which hardly ever happens, but we were currently stuck in a situation that hard ever happens too, so we had no choice.

When I noticed my phone ringing on the counter, I quickly pressed answer seeing it was Ashleigh. I put in on loud speaker as I coated the chicken with barbeque sauce.

"Hey Lyn. I got your message. What's wrong?" Ashleigh asked and I noticed there weren't any more screeching machine sounds on her background, which was a relief to me since I didn't like to hear a person's wail while coating the chicken.

"Mom and dad are talking about it again," I told her.

"Be more specific..."

I sighed. "They want the D, Leigh!"

I didn't realize how inappropriate that sounded until Ashton chuckled while draining the beans on the counter.

"Mom and dad want the D. Yes, of course that makes perfect sense," Ashton remarked and stared at me with hilarity.

Truth was I didn't want to say that word because it was far beyond my belief they would come up to that conclusion. I won't let that happen. Not in my watch.

"Mom and dad want a divorce," I clarified and felt my heart sinking. "That's why I want you to come over for dinner. We need to convince them it will be the worst decision they will ever make."

"Say no more. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Better hurry, Leigh! Ashlyn decided to cook dinner so best be here before she ends up burning the whole kitchen," Ashton said as he leaned to my phone on the counter. I threw him some barbeque sauce so he could shut it but all he did was laugh.


Over at dinner, I could feel the quiet tension between the five of us. Ashton, who was seated across Ashleigh and me, eyed on us as he if wanted us to start off a topic before we all die in silence.

My cooking wasn't that horrible, right?

"So dad, how was work?" Ashleigh started off which broke the ice that was building in between the dinner table. I stared at the calm demeanor Ashleigh held on. She was the more formal one between the both of us. Her sleek blonde hair was always on a bun and her eyes always showed she had everything under control.

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