"Pomu, that's upside down" Reimu sighed.

"Huh-? Oh, so it is" Pomu awkwardly chuckled and flipped the paper the right way.

"Bro what even is this thing?" Reimu scowled looking at the syringe.

"Well, something that made Shoto numb as hell" Pomu said.

A crash was suddenly heard above them.

"Goddamn...stay here" Reimu said loading her gun and running out the room.

Reimu ran up the stairs and started running where the criminals were kept, she hated having them to be right above them, especially since whenever they're loud her working gets disturbed.

Once she had reached the room she slammed the door opened only to the the 2 remaining people waiting to get out the window.

"Hands up" Reimu said taking her gun out.

The 2 jumped at her voice and the one on the left pulled a small knife out and flung it at Reimu, but Reimu only but went to the side dodging it.

"Wha- this is why girls scare me!" Mysta said.

"Great, now we're both going to be stuck here" Shu said holding his hands up.

Reimu slammed Shu down on the desk and cuffed him while holding Mysta by his collar so he couldn't run anywhere.

She threw Shu aside and cuffed Mysta before throwing them into a cell and running off to check on Shoto.

She slammed Rosemi's door opened to see Selen sitting on 2 people so they couldn't escape obviously.

"Oh, Reimu hello, hows the research holding up?" Selen smiled.

"Not so good" Reimu said.

"Yeah I can say the same" Rosemi sighed.

"Are yous okay?" Reimu asked.

"Were fine~" Selen grinned holding out a thumbs up.

"Alright then" Reimu nodded.

"Is everyone alright?" Enna asked walking in.

They all nodded, while Enna stared at them all for a bit observing them.

"Wheres Elira?" Enna asked.

"Oh yeah, her and Ike went to go and capture some of the criminals" Selen said.

Enna just deadpanned them all.

"And none of yous tried stopping her?" Enna asked.

"Rosemi did, I didnt" Selen shrugged.

"I wasnt here so.." Reimu said holding her hands up.

"That dumbass" Enna sighed.

"Alright then, did the rest of them escape?" Enna asked.

"No I caught 2 aswell, threw them in a cell" Reimu said.

Enna nodded.

"So...Elira and Ike have more to catch" Selen said.

"Well I bet Elira's just going to catch one and say that's enough for now when she finds how how much escaped" Rosemi said.

"Probably" Selen shrugged.

"Oh yeah, wheres Pomu?" Enna asked.

"Shes still down in the lab" Reimu said.

"Are you feeling alright Shoto?" Selen asked looking over at him.

"Still the same" Shoto scowled.

"What do they even want anyways?" Rosemi asked.

"Who knows" Reimu shrugged before starting to walk away.

































A/n: might take a break from writing for awhile, nothing personal, just not feeling energetic to do anything at all lmaooo.

Anyways goodnight now ♡.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now