Chapter 5

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Wednesday's POV

I've been in Nevermore for 2 weeks now. I started to like this place more than I'd like to admit.

During the past weeks, Enid kept acting like herslef, she just didn't ask me to do anything else with her, so I guess that was her way of respecting my boudaries.

There was still a mistery about my roomate, tho. Why was she here? What kind of supernatural creature was she?

I didn't know how to approach the topic so I tried to investigate by myself.

I examined her side of the room - while she wasn't there, obviously - but the only thing I found out is that she lost a lot of hair but besides that, nothing unusual.

I tried to understand something about her basing on the lessons she followed: botanic, maths, literature, history, science and, apparently, lacrosse. Which explain the amount of sports uniform I kept found everywhere. Again, nothing unusual.

Thing looked at me during the all time. "What are you looking for?" it asked.

- I'm trying to understand who is my roomate - I replied.

"You're roomate is Enid. What else do you need to know?"

- I don't know. Maybe why is she here? I mean, you saw her. If it wasn't for the school uniform, you'd think she's a human like others.

"She's not?"

- She wouldn't be here, if she was, don't you think? - I asked Thing.

"You're a normal human and you're still here."

- I'm a lot of things but definitively not normal - I said, death-staring at Thing. - And we both know I have witch blood flowing in my veins. You know Grandma.

"Ok, so you're a witch. The other students are some kind of supernatural creatures and, by consequences, you think she must be a supernatural being, too?"

- Do you have any other idea about why would she'd be here?

Thing didn't have the chance to replied cause Enid entered in that moment, bringing her lacrosse racket with her.

- Hey - she said to me and Thing. - I need a shower, we're going to dinner toghether?

- Sure - I replied before she got in the bathroom. When I heard the water pouring, I looked at Thing. - Do you know what creatures she might be? - I asked.

"Ask her and you're solved all your problems" It replied.

Ask her? Ask another person about her feeling?

Absolutely no. I was curious? Yes. But I still have enough brain to know that asking Enid about herself would bring her to ask me questions about myself. And I would rather die.

- I'm gonna find it in some other way. - I said to Thing before grabbing my laptop and start my investigation, sat on my bed, while Thing took place next to me.

I googled "Supernatural creatures list" and internet sent me to "Suprnatural wiki". There was an alphabetic order and I started looking at the possibilities.

"Angels". Possible but I don't think Angels would choose to live with other supernatural beings. According to the website they were pretty "exclusive". They talked and relate just to eachother.

"Aliens". I don't think so. Maybe Ajax was an alien but certainly not Enid.

"Banshee". Sound like a possibility.

" They are spirits from the gaelic traditions and devided in two categories: malevolent banshees look like female with dark flowing hair..."

Nope, Enid's hair is blonde.

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