Chapter 2

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After about a three hour drive Kaleb and Alaric arrived at what appeared to be a hotel which was being demolished because it wasn't getting enough business. A man was standing at the curb watching as the workers planted dynamite charges all throughout the building and rigging them with timers. Alaric walked up to the man. "Chris, we need to talk." He said calmly. "Yeah, I was honestly about to call you up, mind explaining how you almost lost the school?" He asked calmly as he looked at Alaric revealing he was wearing a werewolf tooth necklace and a daylight ring. "Where the hell did you get those?" Asked Kaleb as he went on high alert. "Chill Vamp, the daylight ring I found on a dead vampire that was out in the woods, the tooth necklace is fake." Said Chris as he took it off for Kaleb to examine just so he could prove it. Once Kaleb was sure it truly was a fake he handed it back. "I will take the Daylight ring though." Said Kaleb sternly. "Very well." Said Chris as he handed the ring over to Kaleb. "Anyway I believe there is a reason that you tracked me down with a vampire?" Asked Chris looking at Alaric. "Yeah, you wanted to always become a supernatural, I have a one time offer for you, a spell that'll turn you into the ferryman, you will be in charge of helping lost souls get to peace, all you have to do is let us switch you for our friend." Said Alaric.

Chris was taken aback as he heard this offer from his friend. "Oh ... oh wow ... uh this is big." He said trying to maintain his shock. "Yeah, I know, it's a lot to be asking but the reason in which I do is cause you always wanted to help people and as the Ferryman you'll be helping countless people." Said Alaric. Chris thought it over for a few minutes before he looked at Alaric. "I'll do it." He said smiling. "I'm glad, especially cause this spell requires the upcoming full moon." Said Alaric. "Wait, why?" Asked Kaleb. "Because Kaleb, it requires a extremely rare set of conditions, a solar flare from the sun which is going on right now, a eclipse which this full moon is, and most importantly its a fire moon or as some call it the rebirther." Said Alaric as he explained the conditions required for this spell to work. "And exactly how many witches will be required for this spell?" Asked Chris. "Twelve including that of two Gemini witches and unfortunately Hope will be too emotional." Said Alaric as he explained this situation in crystal clear detail.

As the crew returned to the Salvator school and Chris listened to the requirements for this spell and how it would go forth as explained by the book he'd found. "So let me get this straight in order for this spell to go correctly I have to swallow a horrible mixture of Lamia venom, dragons blood, pixie dust, and leprechaun hairs, sounds ... gross." Said Chris. "Yeah I'm sure it tastes worse than it sounds." Said Kaleb earning looked from the two. "What, that's how this normally goes, it smells worse than it tastes but tastes worse than it sounds." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess that does make some sense." Said Chris calmly. After they finished their explanation the key question would need to be asked. "So who's going to ask the witches to do this spell and most importantly who's going to reveal this little revelation to Hope?" Asked Kaleb as he crossed his arms and leaned against the door. "I ... I don't know, but it is an important thing to figure out." Said Alaric as he honestly was dreading this conversation that had to come.

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