Chapter One

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Chapter One [Who is he]

It was a Tuesday afternoon and a young vet named Charlie spring was heading to work, the autumn breeze was cold and crisp sending chills down his spin as he stepped foot out of his apartment building. The cold shrill woke him up more than any of the three cups of coffee he previously had. The leaves across the ground were crunching as Charlie, made his way to the bus stop, he lived in New York and when the beautiful area of New York comes to mind your probably imagining a busy area with shops on every block and tall buildings near inches away from the clouds, but that's not the case for Charlie. He lives in Georgetown, a small country town, located right outside the big city. It's quiet and is filled with original buildings, the architecture is one to see, the town is filled with trees and lakes, it's a very scenic area. Charlie once lived in the heart of New York only a year ago but worked night shifts at the vet's office and the city was much too noisy for him, he could barely catch a blink of sleep. This town wouldn't have been his first choice, but his best friend Tao had opened a clinic here and convinced Charlie to come to work with him. Tao and Charlie worked on turning the clinic into a vets office as well, it was a massive success since there was no other vet's office for miles, the locals told them stories every day for the first few weeks they were opened, about how far they had to travel to take their farm dogs or barn cats to the vet, many complained about having to go towns over and many complained about how much gas they had to waste, Charlie never was very interested in their complaints or storis he enjoyed working with animals because they didn't talk, Charlie was a shy guy he was never much for people interaction unless it was his best friends, and even then they could get on his nerves with how much they talked. Charlie had a boyfriend. His name was Ben Hope. They met in university; Charlie didn't come out until he reached university when Tao convinced him to just be himself and maybe he would meet someone and he did he met Benjermin, Ben wasn't a good boyfriend and his friends could see that his parents could see that everyone could see that except Charlie, Charlie had a girlfriend in high school he knew he was gay but thought maybe a girl could change that maybe he would fall in love with her and he wouldn't be gay anymore, that defiantly wasn't the case. She treated him like shit and that's what he learned what a relationship was so when he met ben, he thought that this is what a relationship was for sex and nothing more. Charlie wasn't happy with ben, but he thought ben was his only option because he felt nobody else was interested in him so he stayed.

I walked into the clinic and took my final deep breath preparing myself to hear all about Taos boring life, "Charlie you look like shit" I hear him say immediately as I walk in, I rolled my eyes, when did I not look like shit, I was so used to not getting sleep it feels like my body forgot how, I barely got two hours of sleep last night and I've had three cups of coffee this afternoon already and I'm just stepping foot into work. "Hi how are you, would have been nice" I scoffed, I walked into the back to where the coffee machine was and saw one of my other friends and coworker Tara, standing there waiting for me, fuck what now. "How many cups of coffee have you had today Spring" she said sliding her body Infront of the coffee machine blocking me from my only lifeline. "Three, now move" I said trying to nudge her out of the way. "Charlie come on you just got here you can't live off coffee alone you need food too" I was so tired and so ticked off this morning I was not in the mood for this, ben and me had a fight and I had to sleep on the couch last night, I wasn't in the mood for people telling me what I should and should not do "I know I hear it from my therapist all the time I don't need to hear it at work and unless your working a night shift tonight I don't want to hear a single word about how much coffee I'm drinking" She moved and before walking out the door she said "I just care about you Charlie" I don't think there's a single person in this world that truly cares about me, I'd like to think ben does but if I did I would be delusional.

Everyone had left the clinic by now it was a small town and there was a 24-hour hospital always open so everyone that works at the clinic goes home around six. Charlie is the only vet who works there, there was no emergency vet for miles, so Charlie had to work night shifts every night. He makes good money and was used to it Hes always worked night shifts ever since he started working it was second nature to him even if he was always grumpy his body ached with excruciating pain, and he wasn't healthy because he lived off coffee. The Vet was alone, and nobody had brought any pets in it was getting close to the time he was able to close, if there was no animals brought in that night he was allowed to close up at 4:00 am and go home early, he was just counting down the minuets until it hit four, and when it did he started to pack up his bag and clean up the last of the used needled that Tao had forgotten to throw out in the hazard bin.

I was over in the clinic section of the building cleaning up Taos mess. What a surprise, I heard a knock on the entrance door. The clinic was closed but I went to go directed them to the hospital. When I reach the door, I panic seeing a tall man with dirty blonde hair and gorgeous brown eyes stand there looking pale as a ghost with his hand latched onto his chest where a long cut that stretched from his left pec to his right hip gushing blood, it was one long continues slash his hole stomach and hand was covered in blood. I opened the door and sat him down in one of our chairs I was worried he would have passed out he had lost a lot of blood. "Sir can you hear me" I said bending down Infront of him He laughed, and I looked at him strangely, how could he be laughing right now his whole torso was cut open. Then he spoke and his voice was strong and deep but felt comforting "Yeah I can hear you its honestly not that bad" I started applying pressure to the wound with a bandage and told him "Sir I'm not sure if you're in the right state of mind right now I can assure you that your injury is very bad, so I'm going to drive you to a proper hospital so they can properly fix you up" he started to get up to leave "sir where are you going you need medical help" I said sitting him back down he was quite weak and was easy to guide back down into his seat "I'm not going to a hospital so if you can't help me than ill just warp it up like I usually do" like he usually does? This was starting to worry me, everything about this seemed wrong how did he even get this large oddly suspicious cut, the question is more like who did this to him I may not be a doctor, but I've worked on many animals who have been purposely cut by their owners and the skin looked like there was jagged marks from a knife. "what do you mean you just put bandages on" he was wearing a coat but it was unzipped so I could see the cut on his torso but when he took the jacket off completely I saw what he had meant there was large scars and unhealed wounds covering his shoulders arms and when he turned around to show me his back I was shocked you could barely see skin it was all red slashes poorly healed, the skin was distorted and discolored, seeing this I knew he wouldn't go to the hospital for whatever reason, he would just let it heal on its own and this time I don't think he'll be so lucky I don't think this cut will heal on its own he needs stiches. "I know it's ugly and disgusting I'm getting tattoos to cover the scars up soon it's just they said I need to let them fully heal first" I stopped starring and shut my mouth I didn't realize I was starring with my mouth a gaped for so long "No sorry to stare I just, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that" he nervously laughed "it's not what anybody really expects, well I should get going I'm really sorry for... well this" he walked out the door and started walking down the street, I went to the window and watched as his figure begin to shrink into the distance of the dark streets, everything inside me was screaming to let him go, let him walk away and I would never have to see him again, I could go home and maybe get some rest, I couldn't do it, I couldn't let him go, if this was any other ordinary person as awful as it sounds I probably would have let them go and go home but he was special I don't know what drew me to him but I felt butterflies when I first saw him and I have no idea why I've never even talked to him before, I don't even know what Hes like, I didn't even realize it but I was running down the road towards him, I was running as fast as I could.

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