Chapter Seventeen

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So uh. Both in a tux won ;-;
Pls don't get mad that I didn't do what you wanted---
No one's POV:
Liam and bryce were getting ready for their big day, liam was putting on his white tux, nervous about this, amelia stands beside him "Hey, whats wrong-? Arent you excited for your big day?" Amelia asks
"Yeah, I am. Just- nervous.
What if I fuck it up-?" Liam mumbles
"Liam please! Your not gonna mess it up!" Amelia reassures him,

Eventually it gets to where Liam is being walked down the isle.
Bryce begins to blush heavily apon sight of liam(gay gay homosexual gay uwu)
Liam now stood, staring at bryce, smiling "i- uh- uh- i- you look- lovely dear-" bryce mumbles out, Liam chuckling some "Thank you bryce. You look lovely too," Liam responds

The priest(thats what their called right-?) Begins to speak "Welcome we are here today to celebrate the marriage of Liam plecak and Bryce Hansen."
The priest goes on,
Then proceeds to look at bryce "Mr. Bryce. Do you. Take Liam plecak. To be your lovely wedded husband-?" Bryce's face turns more red(somehow) "Y-Yes- i do." Bryce mumbles out, the priest then turns to face Liam "Mr. Liam. Do you. Take Bryce Hansen. To be your lovely wedded also husband-" the priest asks, Liam tearing up slightly "Yes! I do!" He half yelled, the priest smiled abit "You may now kiss"

Bryce then gently wrapped his arms around Liam, pulling liam in for a passionate kiss, the two not even paying attention to the other people that were there, it was like they were the only two in the room, eventually they pulled away from eachother, both beyond red faced,

They spent the rest of the night partying, and then they went home, the two flopping down on their couch, cuddling, and watched a movie.

Liam soon went to his and bryce's room to do something. So bryce layed there on the couch, many thoughts running through his head.
Eventually. Dirtier thoughts popped up, which he tried to ignore, but unluckily. He was unable too. Bryce sighed, sitting up, getting off the couch and going to his and liam's room.
Liam looked over at bryce "Oh hey bryce-" he mumbled, going back to whatever he was doing, suddenly, bryce wrapped his arms around Liam, hoistering liam off the chair and plopping the shorter male onto the bed.

⚠️⚠️NSFW WARNING!!!⚠️⚠️

bryce then pinned the shorter male to the bed, kissing him passionately, liam of course returning the kiss, after a few minutes bryce pulled away, then proceeding to kiss, and bite liam's (non-exsistant) neck
"M-Mm~" liam softly moaned, bryce bit a tad bit harder, proceeding to start to undo the tux liam was still wearing(they forgot to change ok-) and taking it off, bryce kissed liam again, running a hand down liam's chest, and stopping at his
Yk area-
And began to rub it "N-Nh~" liam moaned, although it was muffled by the kiss, bryce then proceeded to take liam's pants off too, then removing his own clothing, he turned liam over, then leaning over to a side table and grabbing out a bottle of what liam could only assume was lube, and began to lather his
Sauwsage(im literally not taking this seriously yall-)
With it and lined his thingy with liams arse "You ready darling~?" Bryce seductively asks liam, liam nodding, with bryce then slowly pushing into liam "M-mmAh~" liam moaned out, once bryce was fully in, he gave liam some time to adjust, and once he was ready, the taller male began to gently thrust into the shorter male
"Nh~ Mm~" liam moaned, bryce slightly picking up the pace abit "Ah~ Mmmn~ Hh~" Bryce chuckled, thrusting harder
"Oh~ Mngh~ Ah~ h-Harder~" liam moaned "You sure darling~?" bryce questions "Y-Yes~ Ah~ Harder~" liam moans, gripping at the bedsheets slightly, bryce thrusting harder "Ah~! Mmh~ Oh~ nngh~" Liam grips the sheets tighter, his mind now frazzled(in a good way heheh) bryce begins to fasten his pace alot more then before "Ah~! F-Fuck~! Mmm~!" By  now liam was gripping the sheets very tightly, all that could be heard in the room was loud moaning, and the slapping of their bodies smacking together as bryce thrusted sorta roughly into liam, causing liam to scream in pleasure, arching his back, eyes rolling up some, He could feel himself reaching his climax slowly, so was bryce, movements becoming sorta sloppy, bryce thrusts harder, resting his hands intertwined with liam's "Ah~! Fuck~! BRyce~! I-Im gonna~" liam cuts off, "I know dear~" bryce cooes, thrusting harder, liam reaching his climax, c4mming all over the bed, bryce taking a final thrust, deep into liam before he released inside of liam, liam exhaling softly, bryce then pulled out of liam and layed beside him, the two were now exhausted, and they cuddled and fell asleep.

They would clean the mess in the morning.

(Yall got what you wanted ;-;)

You're all I need♡ (A BRYCE X LIAM STORY) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now