Chapter Sixteen

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No one's POV:
The two men were cuddling, they awoke apon a sunrise, apparently they had fallen asleep on the beach, they didn't care though, as long as they had eachother,

Liam remembered the previous events of last night and blushed remembering him and bryce are now engaged,
He couldnt wait to get married to Bryce

Bryce chuckled, hugging liam from behind "Your so cute." Bryce mumbled to liam kissing him on the cheek
"Okay and?" Liam said back sassily "Yeah yeah~" Bryce mumbled back

They sat and watched the sunrise
A few moments later liam sighed "im hungrryyy-" Liam whined
"Okay, then let's go get some food." Bryce replied, standing up
"Okay!" Liam exclaimed also standing up

The two then began to walk to a restaurant,

Eventually they made it to one and found a table,
A waitress walks up to them "Hello, what can I get you two today~?" The waitress asked in a sorta flirty tone
"Hmmmmmm..."liam mumbled
"Uhhhh. Can I get one of the steak meals?" Liam asked, the waitress nodded
"Im not quite hungry. So ill just take a coffee please." Bryce muttered, the waitress nodded, yet rolled her eyes and walked away
"Did you see how she rolled her eyes at you?" Liam asked Bryce
"Yeah. I did." He mumbled

They soon got their food, and before the waitress left she stared at liam "Soooo~~ you sing-" the waitress got cut off
"No. Hes not single and hes engaged." Bryce slightly snapped, grabbing the hand of liams that had the engagement ring on it and intertwined their fingers, liam blushing and nodding in agreement with Bryce

"Ugh! Whatever." The waitress left, liam and bryce ate their food,paid,and left. Then went back to their place, they began to watch movies and do gay shit.
(Im lazy fuck ;-;)

You're all I need♡ (A BRYCE X LIAM STORY) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now