chapter three.

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Bryce's POV:
I've finally gotten things figured out

I got a flight to san-fransisco today.
Im finally going to see liam.
This is a little exciting.

I soon boarded the plane and texted liam to let him know that.

I decided to listen to music while on the flight.
It was peaceful
A [insert how many hour flight it is here] flight. With no disturbance

After the flight I got my suitcase and bags and such and got a cab, to go to his address.

And when I got there I knocked.
And he opened the door.
He looked different. "Bryceee!!!!" He hugged me, and I hugged him back "Hey liam! You look different. Its been awhile since I've last seen you." He chuckled "Yep. Well come in!" Liam let me come in and I sat down on his couch, he started talking to me about how he actually met amelia and now their friends again and that he would love for me to see her again and he trailed off starting to ramble about- other things. I just listened smiling abit, I missed his company so much.
It was great to be around him again, I've missed this.

We played games for abit and then he went to make food- i guess.

I remembered when liam couldn't even watch over an egg so I went to kinda- make sure he didnt-
Burn his house down or sumth- but he was actually doing good.
"Bryce. I know you're there." Liam said "You don't have to worry. I wont burn my house down. I've learned how to cook very well actually." Liam stated and I walked off I decided to snoop around abit. And found a picture of me and liam that we took in the...plane. it had amelia and moldy im the background were they kissing?? Oh wait no. Their hugging oops my bad anyways- I hear footsteps and I look behind me "Bryce. Uh. The foods done-" Liam muttered and walked off towards the kitchen again "Hm alright." I put the picture down and head to the kitchen and sit down "so, where do you work now liam?" I ask "I work in a factory down-town." He replied before continuing to eat, I just stared off in the distance "hey, bryce- you okay?" Liam asked me "Yeah. Just thinking." I said before taking a bite from the food

Maybe sometime soon I could tell liam about the way I feel about him.
But I don't know. Maybe.

For now let's just enjoy this friendship that I have.

You're all I need♡ (A BRYCE X LIAM STORY) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora