
Start from the beginning

Russia was with his siblings, happily frolicking around the field of rocks and mountains, nothing could seem to ruin the moment. His brothers and a sisters came to him and touched his shoulder.

"Let's play tag, you'll be it!" They giggled and hurried off, he smirked and chased after them. "Looks like he is gaining on us, we'd better take off!" The three used their wings to fly high.

"Flying isn't gonna take you anywhere, I'm the best out of the four of us!" He yelled at them, he hopped from one boulder to another, boosting his jump he expanded his wings and flapped them. Before he knew it, he wasn't flying, instead, he was plummeting down deep into the pitch-black darkness. He tried to reach for his siblings, but they were nowhere to be found, only the clouded sky dropping heavy snow could be seen.


Russia felt a vibration through his body and a soft voice whispering to his ear, "Russia... It's time to get up, we are here." He opened his eyes and was met by an enormous city in front of him. "Woah, this place is... Amazing!" His eyes sparkled and were intrigued, if he could, he would've traveled through every part of the town.

Mongolia scoffed and rolled his eyes at Russia's diluted statement, "Oh, yeah, it seems wonderful now, just try living here, you'd change your mind." he raised an eyebrow, "Why do you think so?"

"Never mind, we're getting off objective, I hope you were well rested because you'll be walking from this point on. And don't wander off; it's easy to get lost here." He nodded his head, "Does this mean I get to hold your hand?"

Mongolia swiftly grabbed Russia's hand firmly, "Yes! Do not let go, no matter what." He hummed in response.


His eyes were glistening, looking at the people who past by and the stores which were exchanging goods and services. "Ooh... Aah, Ух ты... What is that?" Mongolia looked in the direction Russia was pointing at. It appeared to be an average guy with an ice cream dispenser.

"It's just some guy selling frozen yogurt or a form of milk that contains high sugar, blegh." He was disgusted by it, although Russia wasn't. "I want one!" he jumped and pulled on Mongolia's wrist. "Alright, alright, you're gonna pull my hoodie off!" 

He purchased one frozen treat for Russia, the ice cream man grabbed a cone and filled it with the tasty goodness. Russia watched highly interested in it, the ice cream man handed the cone to him. "Haa..." He wasn't sure how to eat this thing, he tried using his tongue. Upon his tongue making contact with the soft cream, he gasped and the whole world spun. "Russia... Are you okay?"


"Did you poison hi-"


He attacked the ice creams with licks, the cream melted with a slight smoke coming out. Mongolia was fascinated, he never had ice cream before, judging from Russia's reaction, he figured it wouldn't be too bad. "Actually, I think I'd like to buy another one."

The ice cream man nodded and made one more for him. He slowly licked the treat, the coldness made his body shiver. Mongolia hummed and nodded his head, "You know what? This isn't bad as I thought. Huh... Guess I've been misjudging these types of dairies for nothing."

After a while, Russia consumed the cone and licked the cream off his mouth, "Ah, that was satisfying." Mongolia also finished his, "It sure was, I wouldn't mind purchasing more the next time I come here."

Realizing what he just said, he stopped in his tracks before shaking his head. "What's wrong?" Russia asked him, "It's nothing, let's keep searching for that map."

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