Oh, the furry is their father. You see Talia has only called one man beloved. The same man she had three kids with. This could be good news. Maybe he has come to retrieve them. Save them for this hell house.

"Their not just any kids. They have been trained by the best of the best and are very much capable to handle a few retrieval missions." She said calmly, but there was some venom in those words. It was like she was regretting praising her kids.

"I don't care. They are still kids." 

"Now you sound like a real fuckin' hypocrite Bruce. You of all people have no fucking right to say that to me." Now you could her that she was trying to not to shout, if her heavy breathing has anything to go by it.

The twins took a few steps back. They had a feeling that they were gonna need to.

"Why are you even here Bruce?"

"To knock some sense into you. You knew very well that the JL  had a mission there. You know very well what we are capable of, and yet you deliberately put them in danger."

"Who are you to tell me that I'm putting children in danger, when you started with an eight year old! Listen Bruce -"

"No Talia! You are putting them in danger for the wrong reasons!"

Great, a screaming match. 

"And you didn't! You have no right to tell me shit about raising kids. Our kids are more capable-"

Maybe their divorced?

"Our kids? What do you mean our kids?!"

"Yes Bruce, our kids. We were bonded. It was bound to happen."

Maybe getting a divorce?

"The last time we saw each other was five years ago! How is that even possible?! They look eleven!"

Definitely going through a divorce.

"So I drugged you eleven years ago. Did you want to tell my father why we never had kids?"

So maybe it's a bit more complicated.

"My point is, you can't be sending them on these missions."

"Then fine. You take them in, you feed them, you care for them, you teach them your precious morals, you convince me after everything you put your wards through, that your the better parent, the better candidate to look after them. Only then you can tell me what I'm doing wrong."

They may need some serious marriage counseling.

At this point Bruce was quite. Shocked is the better word really.

"What Bruce? Cat got your tongue? But then again, no surprise there. Go on Bruce, prove your the better parent. Take the twins with you. Don't be scared they don't bite."

They do bite actually, when they feel threatened.


Again he was shocked, frozen to his spot. A few minutes of silence, Bruce looked Talia dead in the eye, then walked out the door, not sparing his kids a look. Well there goes any chance for getting out of here, and that hurt more than any wounds, beating, or even death. Getting rejected by your own father.


The silence was thick after Marinette finished. They sat there looking at the crashing waves from their spot on the cliff. 

"You understand now why we don't talk about him?" A new voice said from behind them, making them jump a little. Jason. "That type of rejections lasts for life times. It doesn't just heal." He said as he sat on the other side of Damian, squishing him in the middle so that their practically hugging.

"But we still want you to make your own decision. If you decide to meet him, then we'll support you every step of the way. If not, then that's also fine."

They stayed in a comfortable for a while before Damian broke it. "Shukran libahthik eaniy , waliahtimam bi , wahubuni , walikuli shay' bishakl eami." They just hugged him tighter.

"Yǒngyuǎn de xiǎo dìdì. Zǒng shì." They replied simultaneously.

Their peace was disturbed by three pairs of feet and blaring horns. They stood up quickly to see what all the noise was about.

"The first wave of attack came faster than we hoped." Diana said when she was in front of them. The kwami rushed out.

"What do you mean it came early?! We had a week left!" Plagg screeched.

"Calm down Plagg! Why are you shouting?" Tikki said to her counter part.

"I've been keeping track of the amount of the distractive energy. I would have felt if it went haywire. That was supposed to be next week."

"Do you know why you didn't feel it?" Wayzz asked.

"I don't! That's why I'm freaking out!" 

"It's okay Plagg, we'll figure it out later. For now we must prepare. I will meet you five in this spot." Diana said before she ran down the hill.

"You heard the princess. Time for battle. Kagami it's time, we'll wait for you right here." Marinette said and Kagami nodded before rushing to the castle.

"What is she doing?" Jason asked as he looked Kagami's retreating figure.

"Getting weapons." Oh Hades is going back to the pits of Tartarus.


1422 words


shukran libahthik eaniy , waliahtimam bi , wahubuni , walikuli shay' bishakl eami. - Thanks for looking out for me, and caring for me, and for loving me, and for everything in general. (Arabic )

Yǒngyuǎn de xiǎo dìdì. Zǒng shì - Always little brother. Always (Traditional Chinese)


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