Chapter 4

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The beautiful sound of a violin was heard in the early hour of the morning, as two swords clashed against each other. The melody of the violin went with the movements of the swords. The fast pace movements, and the the slow and gentle movements, determined whether the notes were higher and more rough or softer and more gentle.

Marinette and Jason had been sparing, while Damian practiced the violin and Master Fu watched. Master Fu had given it to him after Damian had found it laying around, and my what a beauty the instrument was. It was made up of yellow wood, wood and had beautiful carvings of two Khoi fish, swimming in a way the looked like the yin-yang symbol. It was so simple, yet so elegant. It was hard to look away.

With the fight coming to an end, Damian made the last few gentle notes, and stopped when Jason was on the ground with a blade to his neck. "That was very well done, but next time, try not to use force, rather flow, flow like water. Fighting is not merely a way to defend yourself, but it is also an art. The sword is an extension of you, not just your weapon. Think of fighting as a dancing. You have to put your feelings into. I am teaching you this so that you find your center, your balance.

The ways of the League are rough and forceful, so angry and corrupt, where the ways of the Order are softer and gentle, but just as deadly. The ways of the order teach you to use your opponents force against them, and to make their force your advantage. Now, as for Adil, that was a very beautiful piece." Master Fu said

"A bit dramatic at some parts don't you think?" Jason asked his younger bother.

"That was the point Jason, and I do believe that you owe our sister a chocolate. She beat you, like she said."

"Yeah her first one this month, what's up with that anyway. You've been distracted this mouth. Are you okay?" Jason asked, concern seeping through his voice. It's not like Mari to get distracted for so long.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just found out some stuff that got my mind haywire. Grandfather, by any chance did Ra's have a son?" Marinette asked. Some time ago, she stumbled on this piece of information when she was doing some more research on her family. She hacked into the League data base unnoticed, and found this. Upon feather research, she found that he escaped the league and wasn't seen since. She has a hunch on where he is now. 

"Yes he did. Why do you ask? Last I heard he escaped, and by doing so, left the League without a heir." Fu said, as he put a hand on his chin as if thinking.

"Well I know where he is. He lives two blocks away from us, and has a family. I think it's time we visit." Marinette said. This is why she was distracted.

"We'll go at dawn, after you lot take a shower. You stink, well not so much for Adil, but you get the point I'm making. Pray to Menshen he doesn't throw a knife at you, at the mention of Ra's." Fu said while mumbling the last part.

"Past experience grandfather?" Damian asked as they made their way back to the apartment.

"We don't talk about it."


After a mini war about who got to use the shower first, and a long walk around two blocks, they finally made it to their destination. As usual Damian rang the door bell and hurried behind his sister. A few moments later, a tall Arabic looking man opened the door holding a small half Arabic, half-African boy in his hands.

"Can I help you?" His voice deep and commanding, with a small trace of an Arabic accent.

"Where looking for Jamal Al Ghul, well now Lahiffe?" Marinette said a bit nervously. Jason brushed his hand against hers in a form of comfort.

"Yes, now what do you want?" He said, his voice level, but you can hear the underlying threat in his voice.

"I'm Marinette Zahra Al Ghul. This is Jason Amir Al Ghul and Damian Adil Al Ghul. We escaped and went to seek refugee at our grandfather Wang Fu. We need to talk."

He looked at them with suspicion before he opened the door wider to let them in. "You said you need to talk. Talk." He said as he set the little boy down.

"Excuse my bluntness, but why did you leave?" Jason asked

"I feel in love with someone that was considered worthless because they were not League standard. Did I care? No. One thing lead to another, and the love of my life got pregnant, with a boy. I did the next best thing, fake my death, take my beloved and run. Ended up in Paris. I was the heir of the Demon Head, and I didn't want to be the next 'Demon Head'. I didn't want or need my son to be the Demon Head after I perish." 

They sat in silence for a while, before Jamal broke it. "So, why did you escape?"

The twins looked at each other, having a silent argument before Jason let out a sigh.

"Ra's didn't have a heir. You can guess what happend next. Six years later Damian was born, same man. Our father is an ass, that doesn't give two shits about us. He knows we exist, he didn't want to take us when he found out about us. He left us with a sexist grandfather, and a bitch of a mother. No offence, you know, because she's your sister. Like you, we didn't want to rule the League.

Marinette and I were gonna rule together, but then the League won't have a heir. That's when Damian came in. They were going to marry him when he turned twelve." Jason finished, his eyes to the ground. His head shot up when he heard a gasp from Damian. He had tears in his eyes, he didn't know he was promised. It sacred him.

Marinette scooped her little brother up and set him on her lap. He started to shake and all Mari did was whispered words of comfort in his ear. Master Fu put a hand on Damian's head said some words and he was fast asleep.

"He should be asleep for a little while. Give it two hours. My question is, were you to ever going to tell him, and Jamal when did my sister pass?"

"Mother passed when I was five years of age. She is the reason I escaped as well, she said to find you. She didn't want that life for me. She saw the corruption early, and that way tried to show me it when I was younger. Save me form that horrible man I call father. Talia was far into fathers' toxic grip." Jamal said, the remorse was clear in his voice.

Marinette started, "We weren't planning on telling him. Our plan was to get out of the league as soon as Damian turned ten. Save him form the viper of a child called Lea-lee. We didn't want him to know that they were using him in the worse way. His still a child."

The silence that was there now was comfortable, but soon broke by a door opening and slamming shut followed by a string of cuss words in Arabic, that were most definitely, for what we can assume a now ex-girlfriend.

"Nino Zain Lahiffe." Jamal said in a deadly calm manner.

Not good. Not good at all.


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