Eighth Tale - The Hot Violet Courier

Start from the beginning

"Houskey! Are you at the entrance?" Wait, that voice... that must be the human! I jerked my head at the direction and-

~~>/Your POV/<~~

When Nasary came back, she told Houskey that the guest that Tilroo mentioned yesterday is here, and Houskey left me for them. You mean that there's another guest here yesterday? I kind of want to see them. Finishing my breakfast, I wipe my mouth and go to the main entrance where she gone to.

"Houskey! Are you at the entrance?" I call for her. And I found her, along with... is that the guest?

 is that the guest?

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Umm... should I worry that I'm having a slight erectio- NO! BAD (Y/n) Jr.! Not in front of Houskey! Wait, is she blushing?

~~>/Rena's POV/<~~

Oh. My. GOSH! He's perfect! Sure that he looks like a teenager, but he's WAY better than the last human! Oh gosh, what should I say without making it awkward?! I want to pamper him so baaaaaaad!!

"H-heya!" I gave him a hey. Remember, I have to behave in front of him and the Boss. "I'm Rena, t-the Hot Violet C-c-courier!" Oh no, I'm losing myself! Wait, what is he doing? Wait, don't tell me!

"Hello. Name's (Y/n), the new Master for the Dragonmaids." HIS SMILE! HORAKHTY ABOVE I WANT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF IT! "Um, are you alright? Your face is red."

"Y-yeah! I'm just surprised that you're an actual human here..." I lied. Gosh, I need to get out of here before I really lose myself.

"I don't think that's the case, Master..." Boss lady! Please don't rat me out! Wait, is she grinning?!

"Well, whatever the case, it's nice to meet you, miss Rena." He's going for a handshake! I'm still holding back but I started to breath heavily! I want to shake it forever and ever until I can turn it into a full on cuddle! I extend my own hand, and when I reached his hand-

"Sorry, visit time's over." Boss lady?! Wait, I'm getting pushed out by the Boss! "Please visit us again soon." WAIT! I WANT TO- 


~~>/Your POV/<~~

... What just happened.

"Uhh... Houskey? What just happened?" Houskey turned after closing the door, and gave an assuring smile.

"Miss Rena is a bit sick, so I have to send her home." Is that so... Her face did turned red though. I hope that she'll be alright when going home. Now, time to take a shower!

~~>/Rena's POV/~~

... I want to slap the Boss so hard. But I have to stop myself. I still have a job to do today, so onto my bike I go and-

Ring ring!

Huh, who could that be? I opened my phone and... It's Redoer! "What's up?"

"So how's the human?" Oh, Redoer... you will not believe what I'm going to say. So...

"He's a nice kid- I mean man. Shame that I gotta cut my time short here." I lied. I don't want especially him to know about my newest obsession.

"Right... Anyway, do you have any pla-"

"Nope. Job's first." I then turned off the phone. Turning on the engine, I ride my way out of here and going back to Arch Typeia. After all, I can always come back here anyway...

... I really want to pamper him.

~~>/???'s POV/<~~

And Rena cut our talk short. I sigh while thinking of what kind of person that the human is. I could visit, but given who I am, the Dragonmaids won't even let me get past beyond the gate. Would be nice though. I'm curious if he knows about time-travelling. That would be fun if he do know.

(Rena- Ehm, IP:Masquerena is finally here! Will she able to pamper our protagonist? Only time will tell.
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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