Daddy to the Rescue: Chapter 1

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Maggie's chest was heaving for air as the strain became harder and harder. The monster was cornering her. Maggie used her last bullets on it a few minutes ago and the knife her dad lent her had been knocked out of her hand and sent flying to the opposite end of the room. The monster's mouth foamed; its teeth looked like razors ready to bite her flesh off, its claws were longer than her fingers and its pasty skin appeared slimy against the pale light. Her back was now against the cold, metal wall. She bit her bottom lip her eyes going back and forth across the shadowed room she thought there had to be something in this room she could use to get it away from it, but the room had only one escape and unfortunately, it was behind the monster and there were no weapons nearby to push it away from herself.

Maggie looked up at the monster and breathed in one last time, squeezed her hands into fist, and squinted her eyes accepting defeat. No one would know her story, no one would know she was backed into a corner like a coward unlike her father, and aunt who were braver than she would ever be. She felt the monster reaching for her face she squinted her eyes tighter. Maggie gasped at a sudden sound like thunder in front of her face! She felt a sticky, wetness splash her face, her hands trembled as she knew it was her own blood glistening off her skin, she opened her eyes just so she could see her world one last time before the darkness of eternity engulfed her soul. The monster face was disfigured, and it had a bullet wound shot right in-between its eyes. It stumbled backwards then fell and as it hit the ground, she saw a very, very familiar face she knew all too well. Maggie had always been happy to see her dads face but nothing like this time. To see the relief in his eyes was nothing compared to Maggie's. That day had showed her you never know what might happen.

"Dad!" Maggie breathed the words. Her shoulders slouched in relief just seeing his face, she felt tears rushing to her eyes. Her dad lowered his gun placing it in its leather holster. She took a long stride over the dead monster's body that tried to eat her only a few seconds ago. She felt that if she got to her father's arms, she would feel completely safe. When Maggie reached her father, she realized he wasn't alone behind him in the doorway were his five men holding their guns in hand, sweat dripping down their faces. She looked back up at her father seeing sweat dropping off his own face he looked exhausted and mad, definitely mad at her for coming out here and almost being killed by what he lived to stop but could he blame her? All she wanted was to be with her dad, she felt she barely ever got to see him. Every two months maybe, if she was lucky, he would get to come home.

Maggie attempted opening her mouth but before she could say sorry her dad leaned forward grabbing the back of her neck gently his big rough hands pulling her against his chest, she had to admit it wasn't comfortable due to all of the tactical gear he wore, but it was soothing to feel the warmth of his arms and body radiate from him to her cold, shivering body. She found that the thrill of almost dying made her cold and jittery. He placed his head on top of hers laying a soft kiss to the top of her forehead. He rubbed his hand in a circle around her shoulder blades comforting her small, trembling body. How he or his team had found her or how they knew she was here she didn't know.

Chris was not happy, actually there was no word to describe what he was feeling but he tried to push that aside because there was a relief, that his daughter was alive. Being a father was already stressful but more so now that Maggie followed him along on this mission. Chris has known Maggie her whole life since her mother brought her into this world but he never would have imagined she would do something to this extreme, was there a sudden urgency she felt she needed to be with him? He placed his hand on her shoulder looking her in the face seeing there was a cut on her forehead.

Chris was examining Maggie's face closely when she heard him gasp softly when he saw the small cut she had gotten while crawling through the ducts a few hours before. He took his thumb gently running his finger over it. She winced at the sudden sting. Wet blood smeared across her forehead, but it had begun to clot, and the bleeding was slowing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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