Chapter 13 (real one)

Start from the beginning

Sabre grinned at Time. "That's exactly what we're going to do." 

Time and Light looked at him in a bit of surprise. "Are you sure? It's going to be a little hard." Sabre couldn't help but notice Light looking at Sabre's paralyzed arm when Light spoke.

Sabre sighed, looking away. "It's achievable." 

"Maybe we could be the ones to capture him and you try to get him out of the Darkness?" Time spoke up, both Light and Sabre turning to look at him, "I mean, you're the closest to Rainbow out of all of us, right? You've known him for years and I'm sure he'd listen to you." 

Sabre frowned. "That's true..."

"Then it's decided. We capture him and get Sabre to try to get him out of the Darkness." Light stood up from his seat with a determined smile, "We'll try our best not to hurt him too much."

Sabre nodded, feeling a twinge of guilt after realising they were most likely going to have to hurt Rainbow a bit to be able to capture him safely.

"I can help with that!" A cheerful voice startled the three Steves and they whipped around to spot someone they hadn't seen for a while...

He looked like a Purple Steve, but had swirls of blue and magenta with white speckles all over his hair and clothes. His bright yellow eyes glowed with a cheeky, but also kind aura.

"Galaxy Steve?" Light asked, blinking at him.

"Hi!" He chuckled.

"Nice to see you! It's been a while. You said you can help us?" Light asked, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah! I've known Rainbow for a while, although Sabre knew him longer, I knew him well!" Galaxy Steve glanced at Sabre.

Sabre grinned.

Galaxy chuckled a little nervously. "I've been watching you guys for a little while, after I ran off when Sabre..." He trailed off, hesitating for a moment before continuing, skipping over the slightly uncomfortable topic, "And I've seen what's been happening. I would like to help."

"Well, thank you. First things first, we will have to figure out the plan. We have a basic layout but that wouldn't go well when we actually capture Rainbow." Sabre murmured.

"We should try to seperate him from the rest of the Darkness, and away from any civilisation. We don't want Rainbow getting backup, and we also don't want anyone getting corrupted." Time frowned, glancing between Galaxy and Sabre. He did briefly look at Light too, though.

"And just how are we going to do that?" Light huffed, raising an eyebrow half-sarcastically, "It would be helpful, if it would actually work."

"Hmm. That's a problem. We could try to lead him away from a group without alerting the rest, and then going from there?" Sabre asked, hiding his nervousness. This plan had many ways of it going wrong, they couldn't possibly account for them all!

"Yeah. We can make a trap for Rainbow, and Sabre can wait by the trap. I can try to find Rainbow and lead him away, straight to the machine. Galaxy and Light could help with making sure Darkness doesn't discover the machine and/or backing up Rainbow?" Time pressed a hand against his clock mask, around where his mouth would be, and seemingly stared at the ground.

"That could work. What would we do if Void shows up? Or Soul, or Corruption? Or...all three of them." Light worried, tensing his shoulders.
Everyone in the room shuddered at the thought.

"We'll have to be careful. If they show up..." Sabre trailed off, wondering over and over in his head if this was the right decision, "...then we might have to leave."

"Leave?! What do you mean leave?" Light exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at Sabre.

"We can't risk it if Void, Corruption and/or Soul show up. We'd have to retreat, whether we've got Rainbow or not." Sabre sighed sadly, "I hate it, but it will give us more chance of getting out of there safely."

Galaxy, Time and Light hesitantly nodded. They all obviously hated that idea, but they knew that Sabre hated it as much as them, maybe even more so, but it would be safer to just abandon the plan.

As the three started quietly chatting to eachother, Sabre hung back and watched them.

He frowned, the image of Rainbow being corrupted replaying in his head multiple times.
He turned away, squeezing his eyes shut under the blindfold as tears threatened to spill.

Sabre was going to save Rainbow. He had to. They were best friends, and they wouldn't leave eachother behind.

But won't I be doing that if Void, Corruption or Soul shows up? Doubt started to form, and Sabre shuddered.

Sabre looked up as Galaxy, Time and Light approached him.
"You ready to go? We should leave as soon as possible. Time has the resources for the machine, we'll help you build it before luring Rainbow to it." Light asked, smiling.

Sabre nodded and started to follow them as they walked out the door.

He then glanced down at his paralyzed arm.
Sabre stared at it for a bit, with a small frown and narrowed eyes.

You better not be a problem when this plan goes into action.


That's it for Chapter 13! It's not much, but it's (hopefully) going to get interesting as more Chapters come along!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a good day/night and stay safe!!

See you in Chapter 14!

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now