Chapter 4

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-------------Rainbow Steve's POV-------------------------

Nervously, Rainbow Steve backed away from the approaching Darkness figures.

They let out weird laughter and it echoed in Rainbow Steve's ears.

Rainbow Steve summoned a small orange ball and aimed it at the closest figure.

It yelped as it was knocked backwards when Rainbow Steve fired the orange ball at it.

The others let out angry shouts and charged at Rainbow Steve.

He yelped and ducked, firing another orange glow at the nearest one.

It was knocked back just like the first Darkness figure, fading away quickly.

Rainbow Steve did the same to every single one, dodging then hitting them.

Once they were all finished, Rainbow Steve turned where Sabre was fighting Void Steve...or where he used to be fighting Void Steve.

Rainbow Steve gasped when he saw Sabre being held by a Darkness figure with a sword pressed to his neck, Void Steve standing in front of him.

The Darkness figure lifted the sword and slapped Sabre on the side of his head with it's flat side, knocking him out. (bonk) 

Lightning struck around them and they were gone.

"No! Sabre!" Rainbow Steve ran towards where they were before and stopped, breathing heavily.

Rainbow Steve stared in horror at where Sabre used to stand, guilt filling him as he realised if he had escaped from the Darkness figures earlier, he could've helped him.

Rainbow Steve shook it off and clenched his fists angrily.

They were going to pay for taking Sabre. Even if it was the last thing he would do.

(Sorry for the short chapter, writer's block and having a busy holiday is very annoying. Also I was distracted by the fact that my platonic girlfriend has finally been able to get in contact with me (she lost her phone and then accidentally broke it when she finally found it again) so yeah, short chapter.)

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (OLD, Being Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now