Chapter 10

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Fluff and a bit of shipping ahead, but nothing intense. I didn't really mean for it to go in this direction, but we should have something nice in this book for once....

Even though I had angst almost immediately after--

Anyways! Enjoy the story! <3

----Time Steve's POV------

He was sitting in his room, gently tapping his finger on the paper in front of him on the desk over and over.

So...Rainbow Steve is infected, Sabre is in shock and Light is trying to make himself feel better by increasing his time training the Colourless Guard Trainees.

Time sighed to himself, wiping the ink that had dribbled onto the desk as he had hovered the ink-covered feather tip over it while thinking.

He did this a lot, drawing to pass the time. Hah, pun half-intended.

He looked down at his work. It was a drawing of Sabre, his (visible) eye soft and caring like it always was when he looked at Time.

Time realised what he thought and shot up, quickly snapping the sketchbook shut with a reddening face.
No! Not that way. H-he looks at everyone like that. Sabre is a nice and caring Non-Steve. Even with a paralyzed arm, he sacrifices so much for us.

Time smiled, but then shook his head. Nope, nope, nope. Time. You are just friends with him. Besides, he's too busy with saving the world for me to even get a chance to even try to work something out with him.

Ugh, seriously. If you're going to have to fight a battle or something, with or without Sabre near you in the fight, you HAVE to get your mind off him!! 

Time sighed again. Maybe he should talk with Elemental, that might distract him from Sabre for a bit.

Time grabbed his sketchbook and feather-pen and opened the door to his room.

Gently padding down the stairs, Time found himself in the kitchen, staring at Elemental holding what seemed to be about 20 pieces of pumpkin pie.

"Wha--Elemental! We're saving those for later!" Time rushed forward, scolding his brother.

"But I love pumpkin pie!!" Elemental protested, giving him a pitiful gaze.

"Nuh, uh, that isn't going to work on me, brother." Time crossed his arms, frowning even more as the sketchbook brushed uncomfortably against his side.

"Just oneeee?" Elemental blinked up at him pleadingly.

They stared at eachother for a good minute or two, one with a disapproving and annoyed gaze and the other with a hopeful and puppy-eyed gaze.

"Alright, fine!" Time threw up his hands in defeat, "You win! Just one, and save the rest for later!"

"YAY!" Elemental quickly stuffed one into his mouth, giving the others a slightly sad look as he put them away.

"You'll get to eat those another day." Time chuckled, watching Elemental's eyes brighten a little more.

With a cheerful grin, Elemental crossed his arms, "I'll eat them all before you~" And then promptly ran as Time gave him a challenging look.

I wonder if I have that sort of cheerful grin whenever I'm around Sabre...

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (OLD, Being Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now