Chapter 9

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----Sabre's POV----

He sighed in relief, watching the Darkness retreat.

They had seemed to be satisfied with the damage they had caused and had left, which was good because Sabre was getting tired.

Putting his sword away, Sabre walked around the streets, looking for Rainbow Steve.

He had seen his friend fly off half-way through the battle, but Sabre hadn't thought much about it because he now had 5 more Darkness to deal with because the Darkness attacking Rainbow gave up on chasing Rainbow after he flew away and turned on Sabre!

Jumping over a large crack in the concrete beneath him, Sabre noticed Light running up to him with a panicked look.

"What's wrong, Light?" Sabre called, rushing up to meet the Steve half-way.

Light glanced up at Sabre after a moment of catching his breath, sorrow filling his eyes. "I-it's Rainbow..."

Sabre stiffened, feeling cold. "What about him?" His voice hitched as he spoke, feeling his throat close up.

He can't be dead,! He's my best friend, he can't be gone!!
Did Void Steve do this?! If he did, I swear to Origin I'm going against Other Sabre's words and destroying that--

"Rainbow was fighting Void Steve and got jumped by Darkness...he's infected." Light looked away, not wanting to look at Sabre as what the Steve said sunk in.

Sabre could feel himself tearing up and start to shake.
No...that's worse than being destroyed...
H-he can't...
I-I can't do this without him!

"Did h-he leave with the Darkness...?" Sabre mumbled, feeling numb all over.

"Yeah...we tried to get to him but he struck down two Colourless Guards and ran..." Light looked guilty as he looked up into Sabre's eyes as best he could through the blindfold, "I'm sorry..."

"No! Don't be's not your fault..." Sabre grabbed Light's shoulders, "It's Void Steve and the Darkness's fault!" His voice raised, but Sabre wasn't shouting. His eyes narrowed underneath his blindfold and he looked around at the damage of the Kingdom.
"Void Steve and the Darkness did all of this. We need to destroy them once and for all."

Light narrowed his eyes, nodding and looking determined, "Yeah! It's their fault! We have to destroy them. And if we get rid of Void Steve and the Darkness, then everyone who was infected can be cured, including Rainbow!" Light looked more confident by the second as Sabre's words sunk in.

Sabre nodded, smiling. We can save everyone! I'll have to train even harder with Other Sabre though...
But that's fine! I can do that. Hopefully he...we...can find a way to heal my arm...

Sabre sighed, watching Light walk away to discuss things with the Leaders.
He was surprised as Light stopped and glanced at Sabre with a thoughtful look, "Do you want to discuss this with the Leaders as well?" 

Sabre thought for a moment, then nodded. Talking to the Leaders will get my mind off Rainbow...

They both walked up the stairwell towards the meeting room, the Colourless Guards glancing at them as they passed. Once Light quickly stopped to ask one about how two of the Colourless Guards were, the ones who had been attacked by...Rainbow....They were, according to the Colourless Guard, in a stable condition, but they would have to be suspended from working for 3-4 days. 

After that, they entered the meeting room to see the Orange, Green, Blue and Violet Leaders were already there. 

"Hello, Leaders." Light stepped forward with a bow. They gave a friendly smile, "Hello, Light Steve. I see Sabre's here as well." Orange observed, flashing another smile at Sabre.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (OLD, Being Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now