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Edith and Remus are coming back early morning from a full moon when they hear movement in the corridor ahead

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Edith and Remus are coming back early morning from a full moon when they hear movement in the corridor ahead. So of course they go to check it out.


Harry looks at his map. Seeing a name he knows to be dead 'Peter Pettigrew'. He stops what he is doing and puts on his shoes slipping out his room to check it out.

He walks along the corridor watching the map as he walks. Peter Pettigrew approaches him but no one is there. The map is wrong.

Another name approaches him, one that would stop at nothing to get him in trouble. "Mischief Managed, Knox." He speaks trying to hide himself from Snape.

But Snape appears Infront of his wand raised in his face "Potter!" He speaks harshly. "What are you doing wandering the corridors at night."

"I was sleep walking" Harry says quick to make a good excuse.

"Extraordinarily like your father, you are Potter. He to was exceedingly arrogant. strutting about the castle." Snape says spitting on Harry's face as he talks.

"My father didn't strut and nor do I, now if you don't mind I would appreciate it if you would lower your wand." Harry says with sass.

"I see hanging around with Professor Wheeler is having an effect on you." He spits venomously "Turn out your pockets. Turn out your pockets!"

Harry reluctantly pulls out the parchment.

"What is this?" Snape asks almost as if he recognizes it.

"A spare bit of parchment." Harry replies shrugging.

"Really? Open it." Snape instructs.

Harry reluctantly opens it to reveal that it is blank.

"Reveal you secrets." he says tapping the Centre. It appears with font like someone has written the words down. "read it." He says sternly.

Harry clears his throat nervously "Messers Moony, Blue, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their complements to professor Snape and..." he stops in his tracks.

"Go on!" Snape says scowling.

"Mr moony presents his complements to Professor Snape and asks him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business." Harry would have laughed if Snape wasn't right there with his wand pointed at him, but there was more "Miss Blue would like to add that she hates the slimy Snake and wouldn't mind if he was to rot in the forbiddern forest"

"Mr Prongs agrees with Miss Blue and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git" Harry sighs going on to read the last two lines. "My Padfoot would like to register his astonishment at an idiot like that ever became a Professor."

Harry moves onto the last line "Mr Wormtail bids Professor Snape a good day, and advises him to wash his hair. The Slimeball."

"Why you insignificant little..." Snape starts only to be interrupted.

"Don't speak to my godson like that you slimy git. It's okay that you do it to me, but not to him." Edith says fists in her hands, her skin pale and her clothes tattered from her recent shift.

"Calm down Edith." Remus says putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, well. Wheeler, Lupin. Out for a little walk in the ... moonlight?" Snape asks a sinister smile on his face.

"Harry, are you okay?" Edith says immediately ignoring the foul man. Harry nods, but Snape snatches the parchment Harry is holding off of him. She and Remus recognize it straight away.

"I have just confiscated a rather curious artifact from mister Potter. This is supposed to be your area of expertise, clearly it is full of dark magic." He says letting Remus take it from him.

"But it looks to me it is simply a piece of parchment designed to insult whomever reads it." Snape goes to snatch it back but Remus pulls away "Never the less, I will read it and see any hidden qualities it may posses."

"It is after all." Remus says smiling at Edith "Our area of expertise."

"Harry lets go." Edith says bringing him to their empty classroom.


"Now I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession, I am surprised you didn't hand it in." he says in his fake teacher voice. So Edith knows he has a ploy or a reason why he wants the map.

"Please Rem, turn down the teacher a little. It is late and I am tiered." She says rolling her eyes at the dramatic werewolf.

"Did it ever occur to you that this map in the hands to Sirius Black is a direct map to you." He says winking quickly at Edith.

Harry shakes his head. Looking disappointed in himself. "Go back to your bed." He says sauntering to the front once more.

Harry goes to leave but turns back once more "Professor, and Aunt Edith, just so you know I don't think that map always works." This catches Edith's attention "Earlier on it showed someone in the castle, someone I know to be dead."

"Who might that be?" Edith asks confused.

"Peter Pettigrew." He states.

Edith's eyes go wide and she looks at Remus for reassurance to see him in quite the same state of surprised "That is not possible." Is all Remus can choke out.

"It is just what I saw." Harry shrugs. "Night Edith, Professor." He says before leaving.

"I though he killed him, I was happy Sirius killed him. He deserved to die. He deserves to die. If he is alive I am going to kill him." Edith says clicking her knuckles.

"It is okay. Edith calm." Remus says hugging her "If what Harry said is true. We will kill him."

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