What are they? Part 1

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Feel your eyes watchin' me
So I'm movin' on him just so you can see
Told you I was gonna get you right back
Oh, you don't really like that?

I was currently at a party at Kelsey's house. It was one of the hottest nights of August so far. Meaning practically everyone was in their bathing suits.

"Hey Y/N what's up?" Top asks throwing his arm around my shoulders

"Just the same old shit living my best life" I laugh taking the red solo cup out of his hand. Spinning out of his arms before he can grab his drink back.

"You owe me for that one L/N" topper yelled over the music.
My only response was to hold up my arm with a thumbs up not even looking back to see his reaction as I continued to walk into the party. Saying hi to the people I know.

"Hey Kelc, how's it going?" Joining the group of guys on the couches beside the pool.

"Pretty decent considering iv been Drinking since" he looks at his watch. "2 pm" he finishes looking up at me

"Damn kelc it's 11:30" I laughed. Also noticing how Rafe's constant stare hasn't left my body.

Rafes and my relationship is kinda weird. Complicated for everyone else. We weren't officially together. We were always flirting, sometimes making out in plain sight, and the occasional hooking up. But yet we would be seen doing that with other people as well. Which was the confusing part to everyone else. The boys kinda understood it. They thought it was more of a make each other jealous till one of us caves and asks to make it an exclusive thing. I guess it's basically correct. The part that no one knew was how truly close me and Rafe actually were. We knew each other's deepest secrets, we confided in one another, and we had been through thick and thin together since we were in second grade. I had known Rafe longer than any of the other guys. They all knew me and him were close I just don't think they understood just how close. No one did.

"Hey Y/N I'm going to need my drink back." Top reached his arm out

"You mean this one?" immediately chugging the whole thing. "What the Fuck was even in that?" Suddenly regretting my decision looking into the now empty cup.

"For your information, it was rum, whiskey, and root beer. It was good and MINE." Topper stood up yelling the last part threw a laugh. Stepping closer to me and easily throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down right now top. I SWEAR TO GOD DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER STEP TOWARDS THE POOL! STOP IT TOPPER!" But I stop screaming when I looked back up towards the group of guys. Kielce was laughing. But Rafe had another one of his fling girls sitting on his lap hand in his hair. I'd lie if I said it didn't make me extremely jealous. But that was the point right? As he went in to kiss her the cold water from the pool took me out of my thoughts. Fuck you toper was now my only thought.
"What the fuck topper" I laughed looking up at the boy with a proud smirk on his face.

"It was my drink sorry princess." He laughs sitting down and putting his feet in the water.

"I'll make you a new one if you help me with something" cross my arms and rest them on top of the edge of the pool.

"Make it three and buy me movie popcorn and I'll help you make Rafe regret the fling he brought." Top already knew what I was up to.
It wasn't anything new. But it wasn't very often that I'd ask topper unless I really wanted to hit a nerve with Rafe. There were only 2 other times I had done this with top. The first time to see how pissed Rafe would actually get. Turns out extremely.

Topper knew this. He also knew that I was almost at the breaking point. Because the second time was when I realized that it was no longer an "I want to fuck him jealous" it was an "I love you jealous". I didn't realize that was why I did it till after when me and top were talking on the dock later that night.

"Thank you Top"

It had been about an hour or so of me and Topper flirting and constantly touching each other. I was now wearing his shirt. As it had cooled down a bit. I think that's when Rafe went from just keeping an eye on me to not looking away. Unless it was to respond to the prissy bitch who thought she was so lucky with a "hun, what, or an oh yeah sure."

I was sitting on tops lap his arms snaked around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck.
"Want to take it up a notch?" He whispers into my ear so no one could hear.
I nodded laughing making it seem like he said something more R rated.
Topper started kissing my neck. I was proud of myself for being able to make the outer banks king so jealous. But at the same time, all I wanted was for it to be his lips on me giving me a slight pain of guilt in my stomach.

I turned around on tops lap lacing my hand threw his hair. "Want to go down to the beach?"
"Are try to make him jealous or kill the man?" Top laughed taking a quick glance at his friend.
"Why what's he doing?"
Our proximity and the music make it impossible for anyone to properly hear what we are saying to each other.

"Well if the fact that he's starting daggers at me wasn't enough the bitch has had enough and just left so now he knows he's not getting anything tonight."

"Perfect time for us the go to the beach then. Make him think I'm getting some and he's not getting anything." I stand up grabbing Top's hand as we start to walk away.

"Where the hell are you two going?" The first and only word's I've heard from Rafe all night.

"The beach." I look back at the boy with a shit-eating grin.
I swear I could almost see the veins in his head pulsing as I turn back around walking to the beach. Hand still laced with the boy's best friend.

"Ok Y/N I get what we are doing is just to make him jealous. But I swear if he comes and kills me in my sleep tonight I'm making sure he kills you afterwards as well."

"You know Rafe he's going to be pissed at you for a couple of days. But he would never kill me and you know it." Winking at the boy and taking a seat in the sand.

Top and I talked for a bit. Nothing major just how we have been, how he feels about this being his last year of high school, what I'm going to do now that I graduated.
Kelce texted Top letting him know that the party was dying down about 30 minutes ago.
My phone now going off. I already knew who it was he had a different text and call town then everyone els in my phone.
"What did he say?" Top asked laughing but I could tell he was slightly nervous.

Rafe 🔥

-What the actual FUCK was that?
Huh? Topper really out of everyone there tonight you choose to make me jealous with my best friend?

"Shit he's pissed" top said after ready what Rafe said.

I always said I'd match you one for one ;) I just guess this one stung a bit more for you this time. ❤️

I laughed as I texted him back.
"Really was the last part necessary. I said I'd help but my rate has changed you are now paying for a hole movie not just the popcorn."

"All good Top I got you. Thank you for tonight I was fun."

"It was fun but I'm also slightly scared." Top joked

"I'll tell him one day that none of this was real. Don't worry to much you guys always make up in a day or two."

"Hey I will always take an opportunity to mess with the guy. He will be paying for braking my mom's favourite antique vase till the day he dies. I was grounded for almost 3 months for that." Top laughed standing up.
We started making our way back to our house's only having to part four houses before his. We were practically neighbours and only lived 2 blocks away from kelce. Rafe on the other hand lived about 5-6 blocks away from all of us and no chance of seeing us part ways before going into our separate homes.

Another mini series let's go! 🙌🏼

Drew/ Rafe imagines ;) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें