You rubbed his arm, feeling the ridges of the metal plates under your hand. "It might have been made as a weapon, but now it's so you can hold and protect those babies."

He looked up at you and grinned. "That was so fuckin' sappy."

"Language in front of the babies, you little shit," you teased and punched his arm, forgetting that it was metal for a split second until your hand hit it. "Ow, mother fucker!"

Bucky fell on his back laughing while startling the three babies and making Anthony cry. Steve picked him up and started to rock him. "You two are gonna be the death of me, I swear," he scolded.

The girls joined in the crying, first Rebecca and then Sarah and you and Bucky picked them both up again.

"Alright, you take a seat," Steve said to you. "You hand over the baby," he added, gesturing to Bucky who put Rebecca into your arms. "I'll go get some bottles going, and Bucky will finish off dinner. Maybe we can get them down and have a nice meal while they sleep."

"Alright, bossy," you said, taking Sarah from Bucky and bouncing her while the two men disappeared.

Steve returned again with two bottles tucked under his arm and holding the other so Anthony was drinking from it. He sat beside you, and with some careful juggling, all three babies ended up with bottles and eating well.

"You're pretty optimistic about them going to sleep while we eat," you whispered as you gazed down at the babies. They were all still alert and staring up at you as their arms flailed around.

Steve hummed. "I know. Kari will be here in a couple of hours. So worst comes to worst we can have her give us just that little bit more time."

"You don't think having a nanny is a cheat?" you asked.

Steve laughed. "We're raising three super soldiers. I sometimes wonder if one nanny is gonna be enough. She'll just be here for when we get overwhelmed. I want to be present for this."

You nodded, not looking up at him, just staring down at the three babies. "We are never sleeping again are we?"

Steve shook his head. "I would say that is very unlikely."

As the babies each finished their bottles and started looking sleepy you got up and changed them before putting them in their crib, side by side by side. You watched them as they wriggled a little and their eyelids drooped. Steve sang 'Somewhere over the rainbow' to them, patting Rebecca on the tummy as they each slowly drifted off to sleep.

You managed to get through dinner with no interruptions and you relaxed back into what felt normal again. Sitting with your husbands and just enjoying each other's company in your home. Bucky brought the dessert out. German chocolate bombes filled with chocolate mousse and a coconut-pecan pudding.

"You're spoiling me," you said as it was placed in front of you.

Bucky rubbed the middle of your back and smiled down at you. "We missed you. Besides, it has been a long time since you were allowed to eat something like this."

You tilted your head back and Bucky leaned down and kissed you softly, his stubble tickling your lips. As Bucky sat down, you took a bite of the bombe. You closed your eyes and just savored the blend of flavors and textures. The bittersweet of the creamy chocolate mousse, the crunch and salt of the pecans, and the soft cake base.

"Holy shit, I missed this," you mumbled through your mouthful.

Bucky smirked at you. "I missed you making sounds like that," he teased.

You punched him in the leg. "Still got about four more weeks to go too, you perv."

He started laughing. "I'm sorry, darlin'."

Steve reached over and rubbed your leg. "Bucky and I were talking. We decided we will wait for you. It's not fair if you can't have sex and we still are."

"Damn straight," you teased.

Bucky made a face at you, and you poked him in the side.

"Thank you, guys. Just like when we waited for Steve," you said.

"And I'm the one who always has to wait," Bucky joked.

"Well, I'm not even thinking about it. So you got some waiting to do, pal," you said. "For now, dessert is all you get."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "I guess."

You took his hand and squeezed it. "It's kinda weird, isn't it? There were no babies and now there are three babies? And how they couldn't come home but now they are home? They don't tell you about how strange that feels, do they? Like there's a disconnect?"

Steve put his hand on your thigh. "It is. All they tell you is no sleep, poopy diapers, and breastfeeding and we really haven't had much of that at all. Not to mention we've been separated from each other. They don't prepare you well. But we're together now, and no matter what you're feeling we won't judge you. You can tell us."

Tears sprang to your eyes and he pulled you into a hug. Bucky came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you both. "I love you both so much," you whispered.

"We love you too, sweetheart," Steve replied.

There was the soft sound of crying through the baby monitor. One voice was soon joined by two others, and Steve and Bucky let you go. "That was pretty good timing." Bucky joked, getting up out of his chair.

You nodded and followed him down to the nursery to get your children.

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