"What kind of speech?"

"One that will convince the Convex folk of your loyalty to me," he says with a calculating smirk.

I roll my eyes and stand. "Goodnight, Edward."

"You will fight for me, right?" he says as I reach the door.

I whirl around and my chest suddenly burns. "Why do you care so much about my loyalty to you? Of all the people in the kingdom, you could choose from."

This startles him, and he smacks his lips, lowering his whiskey to the table. "Because we are alike, Elle. I think you and I could be friends."

I tut. "So, you just don't want to be lonely. Brilliant."

"Why is it so bad to want companionship?" He shifts to the edge of the couch.

"Because you force it," I spit, grabbing the door and throwing it open. "You aren't likeable when you force people to do things. But yes, I am going to fight for you. I want to protect this kingdom just as much as you."

Then I stalk out of the room. The guards accompany me through the palace wing to my bedroom, where I turn in for the night. But sleep doesn't wait for me.

I can hear the wind howling down the chimney as I trudge through the palace the next morning, heading to training. The guards flank my fore and rear, as always. My hands quiver with readiness to wield my sword since I doubt Edward will have actually given the trainer the all-clear for me to use the bow.

As I pass Edward's office, I notice the door is ajar. Low, muffled voices filter through the gap. I pull up short and my pulse quickens when I spot the back of Ruben's head. Edward sprawls on his chair, propping his legs on the marble desk. A smirk rests on his face. But those sharp eyes flick to me, fuelling his grin.

"Elle," he bellows, waving. "Why don't you come in?"

My mouth drops open as I fumble for an excuse. "Oh, I'm heading to training."

He flicks his wrist dismissively. "Come in. I have written up the speech for this evening for you."

My heart slams against my ribs as I glance at the guards. They nod to the door. I mutter a string of curses under my breath as I skulk into the room, doing everything I can to not look at Ruben. He stiffens as I approach and stand next to him. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see his tense shoulder, locked jaw, and rigid stare at Edward. He clasps his hands tight in front of him. His scent is intoxicating. Citrus and the forest. Our shoulders are only inches apart, and I can feel his warmth. It just about sends me to my knees.

"So, Ruben," Edward says in a sing-song voice. "Have you recruited more Convex into the army since we last spoke?"

I blink, resisting the urge to glare.

"Yes," Ruben says in a low husk. His voice sends a shiver along my arms. "Aston and I have convinced a couple of dozen."

Edward drums his fingers on his lips. "We will have to gather more." His bright eyes snap at me. "Perhaps your speech tonight will entice a few. The famous, heroic Elle Fallon ushers her idolisers into battle. Quite poetic."

He swings his legs to the floor and leans forward, plucking a roll of parchment from the corner of his table. I school my face into neutrality as he hands me the scroll. His lip flickers into a smirk as he assesses the two of us with a lick of amusement. I almost bare my teeth. But I unravel the scroll and skim the speech.

"A load of crap," I say, shaking my head. "The Red Movement is coming for you. Not the kingdom."

Edward waggles his finger and arches a brow. "That we know of. Coming for me is as good as coming for the city."

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