Walk it off 💚💛

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Jake got hurt chasing a perp, tries to just 'walk it off'. Captain holt notices, overprotective father pursues.

Jake POV

*SNAP*. I yelped in pain as I clutched my ankle. "Stupid fuckin..! Goddammit." I said to myself in a swirl of cursing. My ankle hurt so bad. I didn't cry but damn I wanted to, I attempted to stand. And failed miserably. I knew as soon as a stood up, its going to be a hard day at work..


Jake slowly walked into work that day, every time he took a step his face said it all. "Hey Peralta, you okay?" Terry asked with slight concern. "Yeah, just rolled my ankle yesterday. I'm still good to work." Jake replied continuing to walk to his desk. "Ok.. just take it easy today." He said, finishing the conversation. Later in the afternoon, Terry and Rosa were on a stakeout, Charles was in an interrogation, Jake was at his desk while Gina played 'Kwazy cupcakes' on her phone. suddenly, a perp bursts out of the holding cell and makes a run for it. Jake stands up only to curse from his ankle, still, he sprinted after him. Captain Holt noticed this and ran after the perp aswell, Jake managed to tackle him but at the expense of severe pain. Captain Holt handcuffed the perp and noticed Jake grabbing his ankle and.. Blood oh dear Lord. "Peralta!" he shouted in fear and panic, all he could see was the bone and Jake swearing under his breath. "Okay, you need to go to a hospital. GINA! I need gauze right now!" Holt yelled. Gina ran to the hallway where the first aid kit was and ran back. She gasped from all the blood and seeing the bone, she pulled out her phone and called 911. Within 10 minutes an ambulance arrived, Holt helped Jake walk, offering an arm for support. Before they drove him away, Holt said "Are you going to be alright son?" He asked without thinking. Before he could correct himself, Jake was smiling and said "I'll be alright.. dad". They shut the doors before Holt could respond. Jake and Holt bonded more after that night, just offering help for him felt right. 

AN: Heyyy guysssss.... so i have explaining to do I know but for just a brief summary, my mental health got off track n' shit so yeah. A lot of things happened but I really don't want to go into detail so please don't ask. Plus on top of that ive been really focused in my academics and grinding on grades and have been super distracted from writing. I know its not an excuse and I'm sorry but I'm back to write some more :) Thank you for 945 views it means so much! <3 

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