Day Six

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Sonic tried to perfect his spindash attack against a huge oak tree. Unfortunately, the tree did not survive very long, so he was unable to tell if he was getting better or not.

Mario napped under the shade of a tree. His dreams consisted of strange whirring noises followed by the sound of a tree hitting the ground.

Lucio discovered a cave. When he was a child, he would yell at the top of his lungs while standing in a cave very similar to this one. A small smile crept up his lips as he reminisced.

Freddy stalked through the forest in seemingly-random directions.

Johnny Gat made a makeshift firing range to practice with his guns.

Siegfried suddenly stopped in the middle of his walk through the Arena. It was quiet... too quiet.

He leisurely cocked his head to the side as a kunai came flying towards him from behind.


Siegfried grabbed the chained weapon before it had a chance to return to its master. He turned around and yanked on it with all his might, sending Scorpion flying off his feet. The knight extended Soul Calibur in front of him, expecting an easy win.

Right before his body could hit the blade, Scorpion teleported behind Siegfried and kicked him in the back of the head.

The knight rolled back onto his feet, facing his new opponent.

"Some battles are fought with the soul," he said calmly.

"Then, let yours BURN!"

Flames burst to life all around Siegfried. His whole body would have been incinerated, had it not been for his sword. As the hellfire roared around him, a crystal-like suit of armor covered his entire body.

"What manner of sorcery is this!?" Scorpion demanded, more than a little irritated.

"For a hellspawn, you know very little about holy magic."


Scorpion pulled out both of his blades, running towards Siegfried with an inhuman rage.

The clanging of sword against sword could be heard throughout the entire forest. Soul Calibur may have been large and heavy, but Siegfried's style of using it made hitting him impossible.

After what felt like an eternity, Scorpion finally came up with an idea. He slid to the ground and tried to sweep the knight's leg out from under him.

Instead what happened was Scorpion hurt his own leg by kicking the shin guards too hard.

Siegfried used this opportunity to finish the job. With a single slash, Hanzo Hasashi was returned to the Netherrealm.

(S1, EP:8) The Ultimate Showdown 2Where stories live. Discover now