22: Can't Stress This Enough

Start from the beginning

At the same time it made him want to vomit. The thought of food...he felt like he gained weight with just that. 

And he hadn't felt full in so long that if he did, he'd probably throw up or kill himself or something. The thought of eating too much, or even just enough, made him want to stick his hands down his throat. 


He really didn't want to go to school today. 

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Have you ever gone to school after telling yourself you wouldn't? And after your freaking teacher told you that you shouldn't? 

Yeah. Just because Taiya was very emotional didn't mean he understood those emotions. 

And if he couldn't understand them how the hell was he supposed to fix them? There was no fixing him now. He was too fucked up. 

"You should all get your permission forms signed for the trip, as we're leaving next week. The location can't be disclosed outside of these forms, so be sure not to look at them in public or let anyone besides your legal guardian sign them, alright?". 

"Yes sir!" The class replied in unison. Taiya mumbled along, but even that was too loud for him. He had developed a headache that was practically splitting his skull in two. At least that's how it felt. 

"You have a few minutes before lunch, spend them wisely and quietly. I'll be using this room during lunch." The teacher informed as he started stacking up his lesson material. 

What the fuck? Was it lunch already? 

Groaning, Taiya stretched out a little bit. He should probably move. But moving requires energy. 

"You okay Tachibana?" Kirishima asked, leaning over his classmate's desk. He gave Taiya a look of clear concern. "You look super tired. Do you wanna come eat lunch at our table?". 

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer though." Taiya replied with an easy smile. "I'm gonna try to catch up on sleep instead of eating. I can just get something on the way home.". That last thing was a complete lie. Taiya didn't think he'd ever really gotten food when he was by himself. That wasn't about to change. 

It sucked that the classroom would be tied up though. There was no way he'd be able to peacefully sleep there if Aizawa was in the room. 

Dragging himself out of his chair, Taiya set off to find a nice place to sleep. 

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It wasn't hard. Summer was fast approaching and the weather was nice. He easily found a nice warm spot under a shady tree. No sunburns, light breeze, it was perfect. 

The teen rubbed his eyes as they started to strain from tiredness. He dropped his bag against the trunk and curled up next to it, pillow his head with his arms. 

The grass tickled his nose and the fresh air was doing him wonders. He'd have to sleep out there more often. 

Shinso Hitoshi had no fucking clue who the boy sleeping in his spot was, honestly. He had seen him before. He was in class 1-A, after all. But he didn't remember his name. Something with a t? 

Regardless, it had pissed him off to head to his favorite spot after eating his lunch only to discover his napping tree had been coopted by someone else. 

Taking a closer look at the student though, revealed he probably needed it. 

Shinso actually blushed as he moved his overgrown bang's from his face, scared he would wake the boy up but wanting to confirm it was the guy who had fought Iida Tenya at the sports festival. He was really, really pretty. He also had dark circles under his eyes. He looked a little pale too. 

What really convinced him to let the guy be was the cute ears and tail though. Shinso had no idea the guy had a cat quirk. It was...adorable. Like one of the stray cats near his house sleeping on his windowsill when it was sunny out. 

His tail was so fluffy and his ears were so small and round...Shinso just couldn't wake him up. 

So he decided to head to the other side of the tree, drop his bag, and take his normal nap. With any luck he'd wake up first and the 1-A guy wouldn't even know he had ever been there. 

Hours later, it was indeed Shinso who woke up first. 

It was clearly late afternoon now. The hottest part of the day had been and gone, the breeze cooler than it had been before. 

"Shit." Shinso cursed aloud, grabbing his bag. 

The boy on the other side of the tree stirred at that, and Shinso realized he wasn't the only person that overslept. 

Taiya crunched up into a smaller ball, not wanting to wake up. But continued movement from Shinso eventually got him fully awake. 

Right as the general studies student grabbed his bag, ready to get up and leave, Taiya shot up. He startled Shinso, causing him to flinch. 

The two stared at each other for a moment before Taiya realized, horrified, that his tail was in his mouth. 

He had his fucking tail out. 

Dropping it quickly he slammed his hands over the ears he knew where on his head and gave the random purple haired boy sitting across from him a scared look. His cheeks must be bright red. God he was so embarrassed. 

"Hey what's wro-" Shinso didn't even get to finish the sentence before Taiya had shot up, grabbed his bag, and run off. He was out of view by the time Shinso registered what had just happened. 

What the fuck was that about? 


Shinso is one of my favorite characters, and such a perfect fit for this fic, I was so excited to include him in this 😊

Taiya and Hitoshi have met before, if any of you remember. It was a brief interaction when the other classes had shown up outside class 1-A's room before the sports festival. But Shinso doesn't really think of it all that often and Taiya's completely forgotten. He doesn't even try to think about who Shinso is, just that he saw him in a very vulnerable position. 

Sometimes this fic is just so fun. I love doing stuff like this! 

Unrelated note I've been re-watching Tokyo Ghoul and oh my god do I wanna write fanfic for this so bad. There's so many opportunities. So many perspectives. So much potential angst. 

My friend (the same friend who dared me to write twilight fanfiction that one time) tried to dare me to write a fic about one of my bnha ocs into Tokyo Ghoul because I was getting so much ✨inspiration✨ but honestly haven't I traumatized them enough already? But at the same time I do high key wanna write tokyo ghoul fanfic, even if I'm almost definitely not gonna publish it. 

Oh and I'm writing a new bnha fic and....lets just say we're going in a very different direction. Still action packed, because I do write very action based books, but this is a bit off the rails in comparison to my other fics. Just about as ambitious as Supernova, if I do say so myself. 

So look forward to that and stay tuned! 

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