Chapter 11

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Morgana looked at the last of the Dragonlords who slept restlessly in Gwaine's arms. She was confused why wasn't she killing the boy yet? Did she really want him to spoil her plans again? Shouldn't she just get rid of the boy like he was asking her to? But for some reason she found she couldn't bring herself to harm the boy any further she had tried to end his life twice and one time she had.

What was it about this boy that stopped her from harming the last Dragonlord further? Why didn't she want to harm him?

Merlin Morgana  the knights of the round table and Prince Andrew made it back by nightfall of course Merlin had taught Morgana a few spells when they were alone.

Berbay odothay arisan quickem Merlin said before he gestured to Morgana to try Berbay odothay arisan quickem Morgana repeated but just then the two heard the clashing of swords from outside.

It was now the battle of Cammlan  lead by Morgause and Morgana. I'm sorry Merlin Morgana said as she grabbed a candlestick in her hand knocking Merlin unconscious with it. When Merlin woke to the sound's of screaming

He quickly shot to his feet ignoring the pain in his head as he turned into Dragoon the great grabbing his staff he went to help fight.

But no sooner had he exited the tent that a Saxons sword was plunged into his arm he needed to find Morgana. Stumbling foreword.

Morgana! Dragoon shouted is this what you wanted Morgana Merlin said as Morgana Pendragon threw spell after spell at Merlin

The spells Merlin shot back were weak barely touching Morgana eventually her spells had stopped as she just stared.

M- Merlin Morgana stammered looking at the boy who was once her friend in horror just then she heard someone shouted as he charged at her no doubt coming to save Merlin

Her eyes glowed gold and before Merlin could do anything a sword flew through the air meeting it's intended target with a soft thwack.

Gwaine's eyes landed on the sword protruding from his stomach Gwaine looked at Merlin a look no doubt saying forgive me in his eyes before he fell to his knees the sword ripped out of Gwaine's stomach and into her hands.

Forgive me Merlin Gwaine said his eyes were fading you can't die Gwaine you just can't Merlin begged his lifeless freind but he got no response from the knight. Gwaine your just sleeping so wake up yeah mate t!  Merlin was in complete denial.

He's just sleeping or knocked out right Morgana? Merlin your friend is..... Don't say it Morgana! Merlin Gwaine mate your just sleeping so wake up Merlin cried eventually he couldn't deny it any longer his best friend the man who was like the older brother he never had was gone.

All Merlin saw was red he was so angry at himself but the person he was most angry at was Morgana

Morgana! Merlin cried is this what you wanted?  his hands soaked crimson as he stared at Morgana. Merlin knew killing the witch wouldn't bring his best friend back. The more Merlin stared at his blood stained hands the more memories flashed through his mind.

Answer honestly Morgana is this what you wanted? Morgana looked around the battle Feild and then to Merlin's dead freind.

If you don't want this Morgana there's a spell that can reverse this a spell that would take you back in time

If such a spell existed why haven't you already used it to send yourself back and kill me?" Morgana asked before adding your friend wouldn't be dead.

Tears once again fell from Merlin's eyes at the mention of his dead freind who Morgana Pendragon had killed without a second thought. If we do this Merlin do you promise me (can you promise me) that life will be better than it was before? Morgana asked. Merlin only shrugged I don't know Morgana that all depends on you.

With a few mumbled words Morgana was gone.

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