- Chapter 1 -

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// I wanted to make a little Kalego x reader since I don't really see that many of them, so I hope you enjoy. Also have a few things you should know before reading, it'll be she/her pronounces and there's some small things you need to know what means ▼ ▼ ▼ //


y/n: your name

y/h/c: your hair color

y/h/l: your hair length

y/l/n: your last name

y/f/c: your favorite color

y/f/f: your favorite food


Y/n's POV:

Hello, my name is y/n, y/n y/l/n and I've been put in a weird and confusing situation. And before we can understand what is happening right now, we need to go back a few weeks.

It was just a normal day working in the local library in my small town, I was living with some of my friends Ashley and Jonas at the time, of course they were dating so I was the third wheel all the time, but it honestly didn't bother me that much. While at work I would read books to the children or just sort out the books people came to return, it was a nice small job I enjoyed a lot.

One day when I was reading a book for the children, I suddenly started to feel dizzy and after a while I fainted, or at least I think so. Everything was frozen in place, and I couldn't move I just looked around confused the only thing I really saw was the scared looks on the children's faces. But it didn't take long for something to happen, because suddenly a tall bald man with a mustache was stood right in front of me just looking down at me, nothing really happened.

He started talking in some weird language I couldn't understand, I gave him a confused look and it was almost like he understood now that I couldn't understand him, he then kneeled down to me and picked me up, touched my forehead and then spoke again "do you understand me now?" what the hell is going on "uuh yeah I do, umm who are you and why can't I move my body?" as on queue I started to feel my body again, it was almost like I hadn't been able to move it for days and I was just starting to learn how to move again.

 "oh yes sorry, I'm Sullivan and I'm a demon. I came here to pick you up after your best friend and her boyfriend sold you off to me, or not me really. Somebody I know, he couldn't risk being caught going into the human realm" what?! Did Ashley sell me of to some demon?! A demon, oh my god demons are real, and I just got sold of to one. What will happen to me? Will I be tortured just for they're sick pleasures?! "so, what exactly is going to happen to me? Am I going to be tortured?" then after what I would say is a pretty serious question he just started laughing, he just started laughing!! Oh god please tell me this is a dream, I think my soul just left my body.

"no no no, okay I know what I said may have sounded bad to you but trust me it isn't like that" ah yes, he wants me to trust A LITURAL DEMON! "so could you please tell me what the hell is going to happen to me?" again, he just laughed. "oh don't you worry you're going to be in good hands, I know he may seem rude and terrifying at first but he's just a sweet lonely demon seeking a little help with getting someone in his life, you see almost every demon finds him terrifying but all he needs is a little love, but because everyone just sees his bad side, I had to go out and find someone who hadn't seen him before. So when all your friend wanted in return was a small amount of cash it was easy, also I think you look absolutely adorable, ouhh how I can't wait for you and my grandson to meet, he'll finally have another human around him, he'll be so happy" okay that was a lot to take in, "so my best friend sold me for money, you basically bought me but your giving me away to one of your friends so he can date somebody, but it had to be a human because we wouldn't have heard of 'Mr. terrifying' because that sounded like a good idea. Also why do you have a human grandson?!"

"hmm yes that sounds about right, and even if you don't like it you have to since I already paid your friend, and about my cute little grandson. He was in the same situation as you just that his parents sold him of, he wasn't happy with them but he's happier in the demon realm with me and his friends. But are you ready to leave now? I have so much to do before you get to meet your soon to be boyfriend" when is my knight in shining armor coming to save me from this nightmare, the only way that I see myself getting trough this is by showing dominance by the very first encounter with my so called 'future boyfriend' " I guess I don't really have a choice I suppose" I let out a sigh as he let out a small laugh while he clapped his hand 2 times and suddenly we were in a whole new world.

// 950 words for the first chapter, I'll try to update as frequent as possible, but I also have another story going and I have a ton of homework every week, but I'll try my best. Have a good day/night! C: //

Confusing change // Kalego x readerWhere stories live. Discover now