Chapter Twelve - Force

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Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro quickly sat up and let out a loud "LEAVE ME ALONE!" before looking around the room. I grabbed him by his shoulders, making him look at me immediately. "Are you okay?" I asked and sat down next to him.

Muichiro : yeah yeah...I am.. I am fine it was just a nightmare.. sorry for waking you up

Tanjiro : don't worry about that.... Do you get such nightmares often?

Muichiro : ...This week it's already the third time. There was a time I had nightmares a lot but that was a long time ago... then they stopped and now they are back...

He sighed and wiped his tears.

Tanjiro : Are you sure you are okay?

Muichiro : I am fine... I am sorry for crying so much... it must bother you..

Tanjiro : No, not at all. You can cry as much as you need to and I'll always try to make you feel better. Crying is nothing to be sorry about. If it makes you feel better just let it out.

I smiled.

Muichiro : Thank you. I appreciate that...

Tanjiro : What was the nightmare about anyway?

He opened his mouth slightly like he wanted to say something but nothing came out.

Tanjiro : You don't need to answer, I was just asking because you were yelling a lot at someone to leave you alone and stuff.

He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, wiping away the new tears that were slowly forming in his eyes.

Muichiro : It was about Genya

He sighed.

Muichiro : He's the only thing I've seen in the past week... I see him everywhere... It's like my brain is playing with me. I look at someone and immediately notice the things they have similar to him... it's just.. a lot

Tanjiro : I see..

I sat down closer to him and started stroking his back in hopes of him not breaking down again.

Tanjiro : don't worry, it'll be fine. It might take some time before you get over what happened but I won't allow anyone to hurt you in any way.

Muichiro nodded slightly and smiled still with eyes full of new tears.

Muichiro : thank you...

He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly, burying his face into my chest. I smiled and returned the hug. I pulled away and yawned.

Muichiro : I-I am sorry, you must be tired.

Tanjiro : no no it's fine, don't apologize. Let's just go to sleep now, okay?

He nodded and laid back down. I got on my bed and laid down as well. Couple minutes later I was already half asleep but Muichiro suddenly spoke up again.

Muichiro : I-It's a bit weird to ask but.... May I... sleep next to you?

"What....WHAT?! SLEEP NEXT TO ME?!" I thought, suddenly feeling more awake than ever before.

✓Quiet.... But Loveable (MuiTan - TanMui)✓Where stories live. Discover now