“Well, the eye color wasn’t the only thing that connected these girls.” Chris said quietly. “They had the same hair color, and they were built similarly. Also, the police asked a lot about their friends and who they were hanging out with.”

“That’s understandable.” Mason mumbled. “Do they think it’s a student?”

Chris shrugged.

“Annie has brown hair.” Hazel mumbled, looking at me. “Like Emma.”

Mason wrapped his arms around me immediately. Chris and Jax looked at me worriedly.

“Brown hair is common, guys, come on.” I said softly. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

“Was there anything else, Chris?” Jax asked, looking away from me.

“Apparently, the cops are asking about a dress.” Chris said. “One of Annie’s friends said that the cops asked her if Annie ever wore a white dress and if anyone ever complimented her on it.”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

“Wasn’t the first girl found in a white dress?” Hazel asked quietly.

Chris nodded.

“That is just creepy.” Jax mumbled. “The fucker put a white dress on a dead girl, and he has a specific target who he refers to as his doll. The guy is a total freak.”

Mason tightened his grip on me. “We need to keep the girls safe.”

“Of course we will.” Jax said as he wrapped his arm around Hazel’s shoulders. “Nothing will happen to them, Mase.”

“I don’t think that I am in danger.” Hazel said, eyeing me worriedly. “Emma fits the description better than I do. She has blue eyes and brown hair. When I think about it, she is built similarly to Daisy and Annie. They are short and small, just like Emma.”

Mason clenched his fists and tightened his jaw. Chris sighed. Jax looked worried.

“I am not the only short girl with blue eyes and brown hair.” I sighed.

“No.” Mason said coldly. “But if the fucker wants to take someone again and he prefers short girls with blue eyes and brown hair, then you could be a target. And I am not letting that happen.”

“I know that, Mason.” I said softly, rubbing his arm. “I just don’t want you to worry too much.”

“That’s not happening.” Jax snorted. “He will always worry too much. I know that because I am the same with Cassie. It’s not something that we can control.”

“Especially now when I just got you back.” Mason mumbled. “I am not losing you again.”

“You won’t.” I smiled at him. “You are kind of stuck with me.”

“Thank God.” Mason smiled, kissing my temple.

“Speaking of being stuck with an annoying little sister, Cassie is coming tomorrow at 9 am.” Jax said.

“I am going to tell her you said that.” Mason smirked.

“Go ahead.” Jax rolled his eyes. “I tell her that she is annoying every day. It won’t be news to her.”

“How did you convince your mom to let her come?” Hazel asked Jax.

I noticed that Jax’s arm was still wrapped around her shoulders. She didn’t move it, like she did before.

“I didn’t.” Jax sighed. “Cassie did. She said that she wouldn’t leave my room at any point. My mom made me promise that I wouldn’t let her out no matter what, not even to eat. I have to bring the food to her. Little devil will enjoy that, I don’t doubt it.”

Mason and Chris laughed.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see that.” Chris said, shaking his head and smirking.

“So we are staying in our room over the weekend?” Mason asked.

“Yes.” Jax nodded. “We will be watching movies and playing games. I’m not letting Cassie go outside.”

“Will you be bringing us food as well?” Mason asked him, smirking.

Jax shot him a glare and threw a bottle cap on Mason. He dodged it, laughing.

“Does that mean that Emma and I could finally have our room to ourselves?” Hazel asked, looking from Mason to Jax.

I hoped that Mason would say yes. I love him and I love spending time with him, but I could use an hour or two for myself.

“Of course not.” Mason said sternly. “You will be with us the whole time. I am not leaving Emma alone. You shouldn’t be alone either, Hazel. Was I not clear the first twenty times I said it?”

“I didn’t mean the whole time.” Hazel sighed, rolling her eyes. “But an hour or two to shower and relax without you waiting in the room would be nice.”

“Not happening.” Mason said stubbornly. “An hour or two is more than enough for that sick fuck to take you. I am not risking it.”

“Are all brothers like that?” Hazel sighed, looking at Jax.

“Yes.” Jax nodded immediately.

“Especially in situations like this one.” Chris added. “I don’t have a sister, but if I did, I would do the same. Mason is right. You can’t be alone right now. Not until that fucker is caught.”

I understood them completely. If the boys were the ones being attacked, I would never let Mason out of my sight. Not even for a minute. I still wanted just a few hours for myself, though. But I would never ask Mason to give that to me. I knew that he would spend that time worrying and that it would be hard for him. I was sure that the police would catch the guy soon, and then Mason would be able to relax.

“We should go back to class.” Mason said, placing his plate on the tray.

We cleaned our table and left the dining hall.

There were only a few more classes left until this day and this week was over.

I was ready for two days of nothing but movies and cozy clothes. I was excited to meet Cassie as well. I hoped that she would like me and that she wouldn’t be too upset about not being the only girl in Mason’s life anymore.

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