I looked at the ten and eleven year old children that were accompanying me, these were the newest batch, I am fucking eighteen!!! I am only alive because I was of use alive instead of dying to those rogue AIs!!

"I'll show you." I grumbled, holding my arms up and the holo's showed up, easily setting up several breach protocols and quickhacks from even inside the cyberworld.

I worked out a way for forcefully disconnect myself from the system.

"I'm sorry." I apologized too the kids that cried out in pain as their brains got fried from my System Reset along with the many other quickhacks, causing a total cyber server breakdown.

I wanted to collapse, their deaths caused me extreme pain because we were linked together for runs so I am now linked with dead people.

But this was all the plan.

Another holo opened and I clicked a few times before smashing the 'OK' button and hollered in agony.

I opened my eyes outside, blood pouring out of my face.

"How did yo--" I swung my fist out and dented in the chrome dome of the man, pressing on the brain with the metal and he fell over, having a seizure.

I sat up, panting before vomiting blood all over myself, my body trembling.

"Never again." I muttered, vision a blur as I caused a total Militech sever breakdown, everyone single one they had and my mind couldn't be 'stored' away in cyber space so I was 'stored' away in the only download area they still was: My own body.

I forcefully unlinked the interface, breaking it out of my skull and jumping to my wobbly feet but activating the Sandy.

I ran as fast as I could, hitting who I passed in that time and each time time resumed, heads would explode from the impact.

I Sandy-ed to the nearest wall I knew to be thin because that was that wall a psycho damaged with his explosive weapon not long ago and it was just covered with sheet metal.

I was right, with the Sandy, I was able to smash through it and out of the facility.

As time took over again I hunched over, my organs wanting to come out of my mouth but only blood came.

I stumbled, barely standing, feeling my body wanting to fall apart, I knew it wouldn't but it felt like every single bolt, screw, glue, clip and latch was gone and nothing was holding the pieces together.

"There!! There!!!" I looked over my shoulder in horror at the squad they were forcing me to join, their leader, was yelling as they pointed at me.


"I ran until my body just gave out, pushing the Sandy until my mind was on the edge of psychosis and I didn't fall into that void only because I passed out.... Ripper found me and wanted to take my parts but since I was breathing, tho barely, he thought he'd take me in as a worker and I've worked for him for around five years since that day."

I looked at her but she was silent, almost lost in her own mind.

"I changed out most parts they gave me but I will never be free from what they did to me, heck their logo is on my Sandy, branding me as their property.... TechDeck is a group of prototype super soldiers and I was the final creation but since I escaped and crashed their servers beyond repair they need to get me back to be able to recreate what created me since I have all the data that survived my crash in my head."

"I... Don't know what to say." She muttered, cupping her cheek as she looked at me. 

"This is why I work solo, to not drag others into this mess, it is easy to hide in NC but still there is always danger and you just got a taste of it, they will not let their weapon go..."

"You are your own person, no one can tell you what you are!" She said, almost as if she knew the feeling.

"Oh yeah? Lucy, My name is Zyber and my technical last name is Vistan, wanna know why? Huh?!.... Because I am a weapon.... Like the Sandevistan.... I am a military grade cyber weapon, the Zybervistan. I don't have a name, I have a serial number.... If I ever get caught, super soldiers with Zybervistan technologies will be made and who knows.... Maybe that day will finally be final days of edgerunners before big corpo finally takes over everything."

She whispered, covering her mouth so I didn't get to hear it.

She looked at me, almost waiting for a reaction but I was confused, making her realize I didn't hear it.

Lucy was currently looking really vulnerable.

"This is all my fault." She whispered louder, letting me hear it.

"What? What's your fault?"

"Asaraka's project.... It only got to light because a little girl escaped...." She said, grabbing the back of her head.

My eyes went wide, dots instantly connecting, my body feeling numb and shaking as I hoped for the love of all that it still good that I wasn't right.

The coldest chills grabbed at me as Lucy looked at me, looking really guilty.

"Militech learned of Arasaka's project because I got away...." She muttered.

.Military Grade Cyber Weapon (Lucy X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now