Day 2 - "You've Told Your Parents?"

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It's been a few days since the sweater swap with Sebastion at the saloon, but since that night, you haven't even caught sight of the raven-haired boy. It's not your fault that he spends most of his time shut away in his room. But still, when you take a glance at the hoodie hanging next to your door, you can't help but feel a little bad. He should have it back.
    You do have to take a trip to Robin's, anyway. Your chickens have outgrown their current coop and you need her help in building you a bigger one. So why not kill two birds with one stone and bring Sebastian's hoodie back while you're at it?
    You grab your satchel and throw it over your shoulder, then tuck Sebastian's sweater into it, making sure that it's folded nicely and won't wrinkle. It isn't yours, after all. It deserves the best care possible.
    Heading outside and locking the door to the farmhouse behind you, you head to the back of your farm and start to trek up the path towards the mountains. Berries are growing along the edges of the dirt road, so you stop to pick some, popping a few into your mouth as you go along.
    It only takes five minutes for you to reach Robin's, and when you go inside, she instantly greets you with a smile.
    "(Y/N)! What can I do for you today?" she asks, leaning across her desk slightly. "I just got a load of new lumber in today, if you need some wood."
    "None today, thanks," you reply. "I actually came to ask about expanding my chicken coop. I have payment here, and all the materials you'll need are back at the farm."
    "Absolutely! I'd be more than happy to give your chickens a bigger home," says Robin. When you grab your wallet and count the amount of money needed, Robin takes it and adds, "I should be finished in two or three days."
    "Perfect." You're about to turn and leave again when you suddenly remember your other reason for coming here; the hoodie.
    "Oh, and if it's alright, I wanted to ask if Sebastian was home?" you ask, lifting your arm to show Robin the sweater draped over it. "I need to give this back."
    Robin's eyes light up a little when she sees the article of clothing you're holding, and her mouth forms into a large, almost teasing grin. "Right, Sebby told me all about what happened Friday night at the saloon."
    Oh, great, you think. "I hope he left out the parts about me being a drunken mess."
    "Actually, he barely focused on that at all. He wouldn't stop smiling the whole time he was telling me, he even said that he thought the hoodie looked nice on you." Robin leans forward a little and lowers her voice. "Plus, Sebastian protects that hoodie like it's his baby. I mean, he won't even let Abigail wear it. It should mean something that he let you take it."
    You can feel your cheeks flushing ever so slightly, and you hope that they haven't reddened enough for Robin to notice. You barely even know Sebastian, aside from the occasional greeting when you pass in the streets or when you chatted with him a little at the egg festival a few months back. And yet he let your drunken self take his favourite article of clothing? It felt... strange. Good strange, but strange nonetheless.
    You're broken out of your thoughts when Robin says, "I think he's still asleep though. Yoba knows that boy is not a morning person." She gestures towards the sweater. "I can take that, though. I'll give it to him when he wakes up and tell him you stopped by."
    You can't help but feel a little disappointed that you won't be making the return to Sebastian yourself, but still, you hand the hoodie over the desk to Robin. She takes it and tucks it underneath.
    "Oh, Sebastian left your coat by the door over there. He even washed it himself, he wanted it to be clean when he gave it back to you." She nods in the direction of the door, where there's a coat rack standing in the corner. Among Demetrius' large jackets and a few lab coats, you spot your own coat, looking fresh and clean of the dirt usually covering it. Ah, farm life.
    "Thank him for me, will you?" you ask as you go to retrieve your coat. "And thank you as well for the chicken coop."
    "Always happy to help," replies Robin. She waves goodbye as you step out the door, back outside into the summer heat.
    A scent of laundry detergent is wafting from the jacket in your arms, and when you bring it closer to your face to smell it, it smells like a mix of fresh air and Robin's house. Sebastian's house.
    You can't help a wide smile from forming on your lips.


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