Meant to Be (Albus Severus Potter)

Start from the beginning

I didn't need to be told twice. Standing, I took a quick scan of my room, making sure it was tidy and then headed downstairs. Walking into the hallway, I found the Potter family in their entirety, greeting mine and I came to dad's side. Offering Mr and Mrs Potter a welcoming smile, my eyes sought out their youngest son, holding his eyes and struggling not to grin brightly. It felt like forever since I'd seen him last.

Once the pleasantries had been exchanged, the adults were drifting off towards the living room and I lingered, knowing Albus would seek me out. Sure enough, he came to my side with a smile that I knew was matching my own. Distantly, I heard Mrs Potter say something about Albus's smile being the widest she'd seen it all summer. But I paid it no mind.

Instead, I turned towards Albus as he asked, "What've you been up to then, Longbottom? It's been taking you forever to respond to my letter."

Before I could shoot back that I'd only gotten his letter last night, and my response was in progress, Lily piped up as she moved to follow after her parents, "Why don't you two just get together already?"

Albus batted his sister's words away with a brief scowl, "How do you get more and more annoying every day?"

Lily, not even slightly bothered by his words, stuck her tongue out at him and disappeared from sight. She was shortly followed by her eldest brother, who opened his mouth as if to say something. Knowing what was likely coming, I silently braced myself for whatever teasing, likely inappropriate, remark James was going to make.

"Don't you start," Albus warned before James could say anything. His words only had James laughing as he too left the room. Once we were finally alone, Albus turned to face me and offered me an apologetic smile. "Sorry."

"Oh please, I'm used to it." Casting a glance around the room and realising that we were alone, I reached for his hand. Albus accepted it easily, winding his fingers through mine and letting me draw him towards the stairs, "Come on."

I led the way to my bedroom, knowing Albus was following me step for step. He knew his way to my bedroom, but still, I continued to lead him with my hand encased gently in his. The younger Potter brother didn't say a word, not until we reached my bedroom and I shut the door behind us. He was reaching for me then, wrapping his arms around me and drawing me against his chest. Cradling me softly, like he thought I would break if he held me too tight, Albus propped his chin on my shoulder.

Speaking softly, he admitted like it was a secret, or like he thought I'd take offence to it, "Salazar, I've been missing you like crazy."

Burrowing my head into the crook of his neck for just a second, I returned it, "I've missed you too, Al."

Lifting my head then, I waited for him to do the same. When he did, I expectantly lifted my chin and closed my eyes. He didn't keep me waiting long. Bringing a hand up to frame my cheek, Albus tilted my face up a little bit more, before closing the space between us with a gentle kiss. I returned it, breathing out a relieved sigh against his mouth. I hadn't realised that not kissing someone for weeks on end could make your heart ache a little. Or maybe that was just the case when that person was Albus? Still, when we both parted after a few lingering pecks, I realised he was grinning.

"What?" I asked, searching his shining eyes.

"You're wearing the earrings I got you." His smile widened so much that I briefly thought his cheeks would start to hurt. I knew my cheeks were beginning to hurt from smiling so much.

"They're pretty," I said simply as if I needed to defend myself wearing them.

His smile softened. Lowering his head once more, he brushed his nose gently against mine. "Well, I'm glad you liked them."

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