The group was shown arriving at the wedding together.

Ryan was shown throwing a donut at Yin and it hit him in the face.

Wes was shown being caught by a net in the woods.

Neptunia:Some couples go on cruises, some couples go camping,Some couples go to strip clubs Or Just Have gangbangs.

Smg4 Mario:Hell yeah.


Ben was shown swing on a rope then landing on a vent but The vent gave out because of his weight and He fell onto a car then fell to the ground.

Neptunia:This is what we love.....This Is Our Gangbang.


Smg4 Mario:That's Gay.

Bob:Wow,That's Totally Gay.

Weiss:That's A disgusting Metaphor.

Yang:Kinda Funny.


Sapphire(Voiceover):Seems like...the game has really kept you guys connected.

Sapphire spoke through a voiceover to her brother-in-law as he was shown cheering as he and the others were driving golf carts And Shows Male Ruby/Ryan and the Others talking.

Ryan:Alright,So Good To see you.

Yin:Come on,It's been a while since we've done this.



The Two friends hugged With each other patting the other on the back.

Wes was shown mixing a shot then throwing it to his Friends as they caught it and poured it in a Lot of glasses and Proceed to Drink as They were shown at a bar,All taking shots.

Cana:Ooh,Got room For a woman?

Ben(Voiceover):This game has given us a reason to be in each other's lives

the pals were shown standing in front of a casket,Possibly For Ben's Father.


Yang:oh my god.

Weiss:oh oum.

Ruby:I can relate.

Yin:Even Though he's Gone,I think you're dad really would've wanted you to be...

Yin said as he put his hand on ben's shoulder and Said...


Yin and Wes laugh as Ben Laughed As well but Continued to Cry at the Loss of His Father.

Gets Old


Ruby:Other Me wasn't their!

Weiss:Other Me Only Laughed!

Yang:It's Only A Game!

Blake Looked Annoyed at her Teammates but just Sighed and Remembered It's still An alternate Dimension.

The Scene Changes to a Food Court with Ryan Having Barely Any Spots To Go to.

(Y/n):Game Over.


Yin:Get Him.

They all chased Ryan as He ran and slid into a food stand and closed it shut.

The Boys sat in front of the stand as A paper was thrown out of the stand and fell in front of them.

Yin:"Eat My...."

Yin & ben:Dick?



Wes:Ice Cream?

The Two looked At the Schnee With a Face That said "What the Fuck are you talking about?"

Wes:He knows I'm lactose intolerant,He's taunting me.

Based on a true Story

Will:How did You Guys feel about that?

(Y/n):It was Nice.

Ruby:I liked it.

Weiss:It wasn't bad.


Yang:It was Funny.

Goku:It was Kind of Silly but in a good Way.

Rem:It's amazing that a children's game managed to keep people together That Long.

Will:Yeah and Here's a pic from when they started.

Will:Yeah and Here's a pic from when they started

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Ochako:Wow,They're So Small and Adorable!

Ruby:It's Like We have twin Brothers And We're Looking At Pictures Of when They Were Young.

Will:'hehe,Yeah And There's A Whole Multiverse Can Of Shit to Open Like Me Going to Hang with the In-Laws....Oh Boy'

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesWhere stories live. Discover now