Chapter 37

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It's 1 o'clock in the morning and Luca hasn't come in the room yet.Is he that mad.I don't get it I just asked who Mariana is?

It's not a big deal right?

Luca's POV
Its 1 in the morning and I still haven't spoken to Sofia and I will not.She had no right to bring Mariana up because it's non of her business and that name should never be brought up I don't care whether your the love of my life or what or my parents but never ever bring up that name.

Sofia's POV
Luca finally enters the room but doesn't even look at me.He just enters the room and walked towards the closet and came back out with a blanket and layer himself on the couch with his back facing towards me


Ok if that's how things are gonna be then so be it.I don't care

Elena's POV

"But there's something in them that remind me of Mariana and Lorenzo."I say as I remember my lost kids

"Nooo amore...remember our baby's are gone,"Kai says with pain imprinted all over his face

"I know but-...but she called me 'mama' Kai" I say with tear streaming down my cheeks and Kai hugged me tightly

"She called me mama Kai."I said crying my heart out.

"Shuush it's gonna be okay."Kai says kissing my forehead

"Я люблю вас"I confess
(I love you)

"я тоже тебя люблю."he confesses
(I love you too)

Sofia's POV

"Hey wake up."Diego says moving me side to side

"No."I roll over to the other side of the bed

"Sofia I said wake up."Diego demands

"Ебать нет."I responded
(Fuck no)

"Богом клянусь, я задушу тебя, если ты не проснешься в эту чертову секунду."
(i swear to literal god i'll strangle you if you dont wake up this damn second)

"I dare you."I say before slapping him with the pillow across his face causing him to fall with a loud bang.I rose up quickly and looked around to find Diego on the floor.

"Oops."I say thinning my lips so that I couldn't laugh.

"Laugh I know you want to."he states waking up and fixing himself and I burst out laughing

"I'm sorry."I say in between my loud horrifying laughs

"Yeah yeah when your done go to Lucas office he has a mission for you."

Oh Luca

I stood up and towards him with death eyes and each time i walked closer to him he stepped back

"So uu woke me up from my sleep just attend Luca,give me one good reason why i shouldnt murder you."i ask

"Shut the fuck missy and lets go."is all he says before grabs my hands and walks me towards lucas office

"Be nice."he says before entering luca's office

"bE nIcE."i mimick whisper to myself

"Your late."Luca says sternly

"Oh well she's a hand full if by chance you haven't noticed."he nags rolling his eyes at me

"Told you so."Antonio says spinning on his chair

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