Toman meeting

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After the whole thing with Akkun and Emma-

You sighed, finally feeling some peace from the fresh air as you walked through the city. Your smile became impossibly wider when you spotted a familiar blondie and his girlfriend.

You carefully crept up behind Takemichi and pounced on him, completely taking him by surprise.

He screamed like a girl while Hina started to giggle, "Oh its just you N/n" He said while his face flushed red from embarrassment.

Takemichi was about to say something but got interrupted by his flip phone ringing, he pulled it out and Draken was the caller.

"Hey Takemichy, what are you doing right now?" He asked, but didn't really let him respond and continued talking, "Well whatever, come to the Musashi shrine, and make sure to bring N/n with ya, Mikey's orders" Draken said and hung up.

Hina offered to come along which made Takemichi sweatdrop and mumble 'seriously?!'


When you 3 arrived near the shrine, you noticed a bunch of gang members start to park there.

Some ugly guy started yelling at Takemichi and Hinata, which startled you.

A couple of guys that were way taller then Hinata started to surround you 3.

'Oh shit, bruh are we gonna get jumped?' You questioned while sweat dripped down your forehead.

You stood in a defensive position incase they did try to pick a fight with any of you.

But before a fight could break loose, a person with lilac hair walked over to you guys, "Could it be that you guys are Y/n and Takemichi?"

You nodded while the other guy started to apologize to the lilac haired boy.

The lilac-haired boy brought you over to where Mikey was, "Hey guys, sorry calling you here all of a sudden."

"eh, it's alright" you said while shrugging.

"Why did you bring your girlfriend?" Draken asked Takemichi. But his mood took a whole 360 and he started apologizing to Hina for the incident at school.

It was honestly very adorable.

"Oi, Emma" Draken called, then a beautiful blonde girl came into view as she mumbled a 'Coming'.(not that type of cum, you dirty minded shits🤨)

You looked at Takemichi and he seemed shocked for some strange do they know eachother?.

"This is Takemichi's wifey, so be sure to protect her" He said while she replied with a "got it" while tilting her head to the side a bit looking bored.

She looked at Takemichi and smiled, "Yo! Little coward." Oh, so they do know each other

Draken and Hina seem to catch on, "Do you guys know eachother?" "What does she mean by little coward?" Uh oh, someone's in trouble..

You were speechless as Emma explained that Takemichi got her in her underwear and then left her alone.

You deadpanned a little bit as Hinata pulled a bat out of nowhere and beat Takemichi up with it.

When she was done, she turned to you, "Goodbye N/n. I hope you guys have fun"

Dang, what a woman....

You turned your attention back onto Emma as she started to explain that she only tried to do 'it' with Takemichi to make Draken jealous, but that failed miserably.

You put a hand on her shoulder, which made her jolt a little bit and she looked at you.

"Don't worry Emma, I'm sure he likes you but doesn't know how to express it. Draken is a tough guy after all" you explained to her, trying your best to comfort her.

In all honesty, you weren't the best at comforting people but you tried your best.

"Oh, you're N/n right? Thank you I guess. I've heard a lot about you, we should hangout some time" She said and smiled, which you returned it.

After chatting for a bit, She then left but not before saying goodbye to you.

"All right everyone, gather around. The meeting is gonna start!" Draken exclaimed while shouting, gaining everyone's attention.

They all bowed in a perfect angle and shouted "GOOD WORK PRESIDENT," meanwhile you were practically sweating bullets.

As soon as Mikey was on top, his attitude changed almost completely from yesterday.

He started to talk about the Moebius dispute going on between them, you then saw Takemichi fall face-first onto the ground.

"Hey, are you alright? What did you do to make someone mad this time..." you asked and crouched down while helping him sit up.

Apparently some guys were mad at Hanagaki because of the Kiyomasa thing.

"Hey, don't start a fight with the guests Pah, Kiyomasa was only using Toman's name" Mitsuya informed him.

This irritated the guys known as 'Pah' and 'Peh' and they shouted some nonsense.

Damn, they are really mad, I wonder what happened to them, you thought while placing a finger on your chin.

After that happened, Draken came over and apologized, saying that Pah was going through something.

You were pretty curious and listened to Mitsuya explain how they got into a conflict with Moebius.

You instantly regretted your curiousity and almost felt sick to your stomach as you imagined what they had to go through.

But you felt like the story was a bit short, like there something more to it. After all, why would they full on attack the guy's family and girlfriend for just a stupid argument?!

There had to be something more to it, maybe there was someone pulling the a mastermind!

You shook your head, Or maybe they are just assholes that think they can do whatever they want.

Yeah that was probably more reasonable, you didn't want to jump to conclusions.

But the feeling in your gut said so otherwise.

"How awful..." Takemichi mumbled.

After Mikey declared that Toman was going to crush Moebius, everybody started cheering while Takemichi seemed to zone out

Sorry for the short chapter- just wanted to post something lol

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