c e l e b r a t i o n

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By the time Gilbert and Anne arrived at the Andrews' house, Sam, Cole and Winnie were already there. Anne immediately ran inside and into Cole's arms. "I missed you so so so much, Cole!" she exclaimed. Cole returned her hug.

"I missed you more, Anne," Cole shouted happily. "It's so good to see you again!" Gilbert walked in a few moments after his girlfriend. 

"Hey, Cole," Gilbert said with a small laugh. 

"Hey, Gilbert. How's it going with this one?" He signalled to Anne who had moved to talking to Sam. 

Gilbert laughed again, "She's pretty awesome." Cole nodded in agreement. Their conversation was interrupted by the loud entrance of Jerry and Diana. 


"I apologize," Diana said with a small giggle. She playfully smacked Jerry's arm. 

"JERRY!" Charlie shouted, excitedly. "I'VE MISSED YOU, PAL!"

Jane rolled her eyes and made eye contact with Diana. The two fell into laughter. Just then Prissy walked in the room from the kitchen. She held a couple bottles of champagne. "Let's celebrate you kiddos getting into Queens!" There were champagne glasses on the coffee table Everyone grabbed one and Prissy popped the first bottle. She poured into everyone's glasses and then popped the second bottle to finish filling the rest. "Does anyone want to make a toast?" All eyes shifted to Anne. 

"Why me?" Anne asked. "I always have to do them." 

"Because you've got a way with words, Anne," Diana pointed out. "Better than the rest of us." 

Anne laughed, "You raise a fair point. Sorry, guys. I'll do the toast." Everyone raised their glasses. "Let's all raise our glasses to getting into Queens. I'm so very proud of everyone here. We all worked so hard to get to this point in our lives. It's been hard for all of us and there have been many challenges to overcome, but we all made it. So, I'm gonna make this toast to the future. Here's to sharpening our minds and making more fantastic memories. I love you all, and I'm praying for bright futures for all of us. Cheers!" There was a series of cheers from the circle and everyone drank from their champagne glasses. 

"Now let's party!" Billy shouted. Almost immediately, music erupted from the speakers and the emotion took a sharp change. Everyone was in a very partying mood. They all fell into dancing and laughing. The small group drank many bottles of champagne. 

Eventually, everyone got bored and went outside. 

"Hey, Anne," Josie called, "I bet you can't walk along the whole roof ledge." 

"How much are we talking, Jos?" Anne slurred. 

"How about $20?" Josie offered. 

Anne thought for a moment then replied, "Bet!" She climbed up onto the roof.

"Anne no!" Gilbert shouted, realizing what was happening. "Get down right now!"

"No. I'm about to make 20 bucks," Anne shouted back. 

"Get down!" Gilbert yelled. "I'm not kidding, Anne, you're gonna get hurt." Anne ignored her boyfriend and stood tall on the roof ledge. She slowly put one foot in front of the other, but began to wobble drunkenly. Gilbert's eyes were wide as he watched her. Then everything shifted to slow motion. Anne missed her next step. Her foot slid off the peak of the roof. She tried to catch herself, but she began to tumble off the roof. Gilbert stood frozen in shock as Anne fell straight onto the ground on her back. He snapped out of his trance and rushed over to her. She was lying unconscious on the ground. He knelt and shook her lightly. "Anne. Wake up. Come on." No response. Gilbert scooped Anne up in her arms and carried her to his car. He laid her across the backseat. 

"Woah, Gilbert," Diana stopped him before he got in the car. "Are you sober enough to drive?" 

"I only had a couple glasses of champagne, which I'm pretty sure is less than the rest of you, so I'll drive," Gilbert said, hurriedly. 

Diana didn't argue, she simply said, "Fine, but I'm coming with."

Gilbert agreed, then said to the rest of the group, "You guys stay here. Go inside and stay out of too much trouble. I'll call when I know something." He got in the driver's seat and Diana got in the back with Anne's head in her lap. Gilbert fumbled with the keys before starting the car and putting it in drive. "We'll have to go to Carmody. The Avonlea doctor only works in the afternoons." Diana agreed.

Gilbert drove, probably way faster than he should have been, but he was freaking out. They got to Carmody in just under 15 minutes. 

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