Alley Cat

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"Stay right here my little darling. Mommy will be back soon." Alexis's owner says as she goes inside a building as Alexis meows at her and waits for her outside.

"I hate these places where I can't go inside with my owner but it is what it is." Alexis says as she sighs.

"Come back here you flea bitten thief!" An angry voice shouts from nearby.

"What in the!?" Alexis asks as she looks to where the commotion is and sees an angry man chasing a pink cat holding a fish.

"Hey I'm just trying to get a meal." The pink cat says as he is running with the man right behind him.

"Uh-oh. Looks like that cat needs help. I better do something." Alexis says as she spots a trash can and quickly stands on her front paws and kicks it at the man before she grabs the pink cat and hides behind a tall planter hedge.

"Whoa! You flea bitten felines!" The man shouts angrily as he goes back inside.

"Hey are you okay?" Alexis asks as she looks at the pink cat concernedly.

"Yeah. Thanks. That guy was not happy I took a fish." The pink cat says as he is panting.

"I can tell. My name is Alexis. What's yours?" Alexis asks curiously as she chuckles.

"Nice to meet you Alexis. I'm-... Uh... Uh..." The pink cat says as he then looks at Alexis and quickly goes silent.

"Uh what?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Um..." The pink cat says as he stares at Alexis.

"You sure you're okay?" Alexis asks concernedly.

"I..." The pink cat says.

"You don't have to worry. That guy is gone." Alexis says.

"Uh... I... Female..." The pink cat says as Alexis looks at him confused.

"Okay... Well anyway it was nice to meet you. You should probably run home. Most humans like that usually don't give up easily." Alexis says as she turns to leave.

"I... I..." The pink cat says.

"Well good luck to you. Strange cat... Kinda cute though." Alexis says as she walks away from the pink cat.

"There you are my beautiful girl. Come on. We have arrangements to get to." Alexis's owner says as she comes out of the building and picks Alexis up before the two leave as Alexis watches the pink cat stumble off.

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