When I got there he was standing outside, nailing the window slightly, he turned and spotted me with a smile, 'ah, he said calmly, 'howdy there pardner how was it, did ya get what I ask,' he was smiling at me that was a first, 'did ya get the food I asked ya to get.

I held it up like a sort of trophy to my head, 'just as ya asked, I replied.

He chuckled and petted my head, 'good boy,' he then crouched and picked up a supply of wood from the ground,' hey while ya are here, why don't ya help me with carrying that there wood over and getting me that there hammer on the ground, he said pointing at the tool.

Of course I would,' I replied, grabbing then handing him the hammer, I then began to tell him about the experience I had at the bar in the beginning, the new friends I met how I won at poker and the food I just had and me meeting Mauricia.

His attention would then be perked up from me mentioning Mauricia, 'Mauricia, why that girl and I used to date back in 2014, he revealed laughing.

Aw, man if only you were there, we were a riot, her and I, he began to then tell me how they met, apparently he once bumped into her holding a whole jug of beer in his hand, she was shocked, she slapped him in the head and demanded he paid for her a new dress, and not wanting to get beating in front of everyone by a women he went out and tried to pay for dry cleaning, and afterwards, he offered her dinner, to make up for the dress.

It was a funny story that led to them dating for months, until they decided to end things deciding they didn't want anything too serious.

I then braved myself to finally tell him about the whole experience that just happened, my voice was shaking, as I detailed the sudden appearance of the Diablo, then explained to him how I had to hide behind a table for long, 'did ya had the piece I gave you, he asked me, I looked down at my hip, the gun was still there, obviously, it had not had not fallen off.

Remember kid, that ain't just there for decoration, he reminded, that there is there to protect you, he then began to hammer the nails harder on the wall, 'anytime you are in a life or death situation, just remember, that that there piece is on you, but only use it for self defense.

He then looked at me straight in the eye, 'though that ain't just it, if your loved one were in danger, remember you will have to protect them, 'Never give up, and you will obtain your treasure'.

He then turned around and began to work harder on the window, 'now hand me that there box of glue, you hear, he said pointing at the container, I handed it to him and began to think of what he said.

The very next day I was walking out to a church house, Mike was beside me, he had on his left hand a hunting rifle, much to my concern, 'uh, Mike, I said, 'are you sure your suppose to be carrying that, I asked pointing at the weapon, 'I mean this is suppose to be the aforemenioned lords house, he the turned his head slowly and stared at me, his eyebrows furrowed, 'well what if we go in there and we run into the man you saw just a few days ago,' he asked, I couldn't find a response to that, truth be told I didn't know what to respond to that, I thought, 'oh then you must be some sort of hero then for carrying the gun everywhere, mockingly. But I didn't say that, instead I said 'Will you at least put that thing outside, I remarked pointing at the exterior door, 'tat way we ain't seen as some sort of outlaws n hiding,' the last thing I wanted was to get either imprisoned or hanged in my time here in Arizona, and honestly that would be more humiliating, then scary,' what if someone grabs and steals it,' he remarked, I sigh, 'well, try hiding it then, I suggested, next to or under something so that way no one but you knows where it is', this seemed to satisfy him, there was a large left open box, it looked old and rotten, he placed his gun on it and shut it, 'there now we may go in,' he said casually, coming to my side, 'Next time just bring a case, I suggested, holding his hand so people would think we were family, 'it would be a lot easier then just having it dangling in your grasp.

The church was packed, there were I counted fifteen people inside, many were wearing business suits, women were in beautiful dresses, the children were dressed fancy it was like a sermon in here, the lawman and I both sat in the middle row and I watched up to see the priest walking over to the are you gonna kill him', I asked suddenly, 'if you see him, he scratched his beard as his glassy eyes stared up into the sky above him, 'I don't know,' he replied, 'it really depends on what choice the man ends up making in the end, wether he returns to terrorize my station again, or attempt to to rob this here place, for instance, then he'll be eating le-

Yeah, okay, I get it, immediately cutting him off, there was no getting through to him, by rhis point, I figured not to bother trying to talk to him about this at all, so instead I focused on listening to what the church priest had to say.

 Most of the stuff he spoke about were mainly stuff on the bible, I paid attention to everything he had to say, many of the things he said about forgiveness and rebirth, engulfed m, my partner however wasn't paying much attention, rather he was looking somewhat sleepy, which lead me to believe he didn't sleep that much last night.

Guess I could relate, I still feel tired when I wake up, so we all waited for a while to give us all grace and then allowed us to disperse, so I grabbed the gun from the box, thankfully it was still there.

We then walked over to a stock store, where Mike decided to buy a new pair of earrings for himself.

What are those for, I asked curious, they were both beautifully red bearings with small yellow dots on them, he didn't seem to be the kind of guy who would wear those types of ear wear for himself though, maybe they were for someone else, but who, he glanced at me with a firm look and shrugged, 'for a friend', he responded putting them in his pocket and taking out a pair of gold bits from his pocket, 'here you go pay for this and I'll go right out to see if there are any buzzards out on the street,' I counted the cash I had in my hand, it wasn't even nearly enough to pay for the stuff he just took, I turned to try and call out for him, but he was already gone.

I sighed, 'well, I thought', no point in moaning about it, I decided to start glancing around the place to see if there was something that would catch my interest, even though I probably wouldn't be able to pay it, I could stillobtain it and it wouldn't matter.

I looked and looked, eventually I grew tired of looking and decided to simply buy a watch, nothing could go wrong with a watch.

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