Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Hey Ruby" I greeted my sister with with kiss on the cheek as soon as I walked into the Diner.

That's my sister, Ruby. She's great, she cares for me and herself while holding down a job and keeping a roof over our heads. She's the best sister I could ask for, I live with her now, it's much safer than home.

Living with an alcoholic mom and about 30 males wasn't safe for a 16 year old so I made the adult desicion to move out. Ruby being the amazing sister she is, graciously took me in.

4 months of living with her and it's been quite the ride. I obviously have to pull my weight so I do a little entertainment at the diner she works in on a Saturday, since it's the only day I don't need to focus on school. Other days I just sit and watch as she somehow doesn't attack rude customers.

One customer though, he's a sweetheart. Proper old gentlemanly type. One who wears a suit and bow tie everyday to come in for a morning coffee.

Bucky Newport.

He's been 'educating' me and my sister as he calls it. After a conversation when I first moved here, he found out we hadn't seen any of the 'classics' as he calls them. You should have seen the look on his face, it was like someone peed in his coffee.

So every week, he brings in a new movie for us to watch and we either love him for a few hours or hate him, depending on our Movie Scale.

Is it gut-wrenching? Will I cry? Will Ruby cry? (those are 2 completely different things)

Is the chemistry between the 2 characters strong enough to have us both hooked?
It honestly goes on and on. The latest one was good ol' Charlie Chaplin 'City Lights'.

The ending broke us both and when I see him I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Hi Harper, Bucky's over there." I didn't didn't need to follow where her hand was pointing to know that same booth he sat in everyday.

"You already gave him a piece of your mind?" I asked after I had seen his cup of coffee next to him. She laughed a little and nodded before kissing my head and leaving to go serve the demanding customers. Don't bother missy" Bucky said as he seen me walk over, he held his hand up and I feigned a look of Innocence "Your sister had already explained to me both of your distaste with me today"

I grinned at him and shrugged my coat off before carefully sitting down in the booth, Ruby came over and placed a nice cup of hot chocolate infront of me.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10..." I muttered to myself as I counted to the marshmallows on top of the thick layer of whipped cream

"...17" I breathed a sigh of relief before grinning up to my sister who stood there just to make sure.

"You know I still don't understand" Bucky spoke and as I looked at him I seen him looking to my mug of chocolaty goodness. "Why is it always 17?"

I laughed softly and put my head down "it's silly but it's my lucky number" I told him and I seen him raise his eyebrows as I explained further "I was born on the 17th, I have to sit in the 17th seat in my classes or I dont do well, 17 marshmallows makes the best hot chocolate, everything good happened to me on the 17th, when I moved in with Ruby when I found out a few months ago about bean" I said and subconsciously ended up rubbing my small growing bump.

Skinny Love ~ C.C.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن