◇ Math Tutoring and Movies ◇

448 4 5

Warnings: Swearing
Words: 665

Robin struggled with math. It was the one subject he absolutely sucked at. Sense he was in 4th grade, he's needed help. He rejected each tutor that was assigned for him, until he came around.

Finney was Robin's best friend. The two met in 5th grade. They both instantly became inseparable. The two boys did everything together and helped each other with everything. Finney was great at math. He helped Robin with math, he was pretty much his own personal tutor.

◇ -Present Day- ◇

"Man, this makes NO SENSE!" Robin banged his head on the table in frustration, causing Finn to flinch. "Hey hey hey, calm down, Rob...it's ok. That's why I'm here. To help you understand." Robin looked at his best friend and sighed. "Fine..." Finney picked up the piece of paper, looking at the problem. He sighed.
"Why is it only really fractions and shapes you struggle with?" Robin shrugged. "They just make no dam sense at all. Fractions are stupid as shit. Shapes and shit like that doesn't make sense." Finn frowned. He wished he could just make him understand in a snap. "Well, if you-"

Finney had spent the last 10 minutes trying to help the other boy with math, but all Robin could do was stare at Finney. Something about the boy amazed him. Maybe it was his smartness. His hair. His eyes. His voice. His lips. Robin didn't know, but he was sure in love. "Are you even listening?" Robin snapped out of staring at his friends lips and looked somewhere else. "Y-yeah! I was listening! Why wouldn't i?" Finney sighed, he knew the other wasn't. "S-sorry..." Finney rubbed his temples in frustration. "Look, Robin, if you want he to help you, you NEED to pay attention. Okay?" Robin nodded.

It took a good hour for Robin to somewhat understand all this math crap. Finney yelled at him a few times, but apologized immediately.

"Finn..?" Finney looked up and over at his friend, raising an eyebrow. "Can we take a break?" "I suppose. We haven't taken one in a while..." Robin smiled lightly, smiling fading almost immediately as he got up, grabbed Finn's hand, and dragged him to his bedroom.

"Robin, what are we doi-" before Finn could finish his sentence, he was thrown onto the bed. Robin hoped on as well, grabbing his TV remote and turning it on. Finney looked to the TV and back to Robin. "What are we gonna watch?" Robin smirked. "Oh nothing,  just Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Finney rolled his eyes, he should've know he was gonna say that. Finney sat up and sat next to his friend, looking at Robin's face. He liked how he looked. It sounds weird but he does. He's different from everyone else.
Finney admired him.


About a hour into the movie, Finney was scared shitless. It was his first time watching it, and he knew he wasn't gonna again. He held tightly onto his friend, which didn't mind. "Come on Finn, it's not that bad." Finn looked at him like he was crazy. "What? You're lookin at me like I'm speaking another language." Finney couldn't help but start to laugh. Robin didn't understand. The brunette clung onto the shorter boy, who was still confused. Robin was focused on Finney's laugh, it was cute.

Finney's laughter died down in a minute after Robin joined him, still not knowing what he was laughing about.

The two boys finished the movie, but 20 minutes before it ended, Robin fell asleep. Finney didn't notice till the movie was over.

"Rob, it's done." Finney looked over at his friend, noticing he was asleep on him. He couldn't help but blush. He pulled the blanket over the both of them, pulling Robin closer. He played woth the other boys hair, smiling at how soft it was. He slowly took off his bandana, just to make sire he wasn't uncomfortable. He kissed his head, laying his back.
"Night Rob."


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