☆ Star Gazing ☆

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Warnings: none, just cuteness :]


Robin sat down next to his best friend, Finney, who was to focused on the stars to be distracted by the boy. "Finn?" Robin placed a hand on the others shoulder, snapping him out of his space-gaze.

"Oh! Hey Rob." Finn smiled warmly at the boy beside him, which made his heart flutter, but he smiled back nonetheless. "Whatcha doin' out here alone?" Finney turned his gaze back to the stars and pointed. Robin nodded.

Finn laid back, sighing lightly. Robin laid down beside him.


Finn was going on and on about the stars and constellations. He loved space and Robin loved hearing him go one forever about it. The shorter male could listen to the other talk about space for ages. Space was a very interesting thing in Finn's opinion. Robin didn't understand that much, but went along with it. Finn loved space.

"Finn..." Finney stopped and looked towards his best friend. "Yeah?" Robin looked around anxiously, fiddling with his fingers. "I was thinking..." He paused. "Maybe we could go see Texas Chainsaw Massacre after tutoring tomorrow..?" Robin looked up at Finney, meeting his eyes. Can't belive I almost said it, Robin thought.

"My dad won't be happy if he found out though..." "He won't find out! I swear!" Finney sighed and nodded, causing Robin's face to light up. "Thank you, mi amor!"

"Robin, I still don't know what that means..." Robin had to come up with something, and something quick. "Uh it uh- it means best friend-!" Finn nodded. That was close. Robin thought.


The two laid on the blanket and talked, they laughed, they might have even cried. But they had a good time, like always. It had been almost 2 and a half hours sense Robin joined Finney. The two usually hung out like this during summer if the other wasn't busy. But being able to do it during school times was more rare. Finney was going off about the stars and constellations again, which Robin didn't mind. This was probably the 5th time he's gone off about it, but Robin doesn't care. He'll listen to anything his friend has to say.

"Aaaaaannnddd that's about all of them! Unless you wanna go into the REALLY detailed background of a few, just to pass more time I guess" Robin looked sideways, meeting his friends gaze again. The two were close to each other, physical wise. Like not even 5 inches from each other.
They kept staring at one another.
Their eyes went from eyes to mouth.

Finney began to lean closer.

Robin leaned in as well.

Finney's eyes stayed half-lidded, focused on Robin's lips. Robin's eyes fluttered shut as the space between them closed.
Both boys weren't experienced at all with this, they've only seen stuff like it in movies. So they just stayed there, savoring it.

They broke apart slowly, panting lightly. They both sat up in sinck, pulling each other close and kissing again, just a bit more passionate than before.

Finney had one hand on Robin's right shoulder, the other on his forearm. Robin had his hands hovering above Finney's waist, not touching him.

They broke off once more, looking deep into the others eyes. Finney swore he saw stars. This was some sort of dream.
Absolutely out of the ball park of reality.


The night went on as they lightly talked, Robin's head resting of Finney's chest, hand caressing his hair. The boys eventually fell asleep, happy with how the night ended off.


Might have arrors.

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