Wolf vs Vampire.

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"So question number one."

"Wait, does that mean I get to ask questions back?"

"Were not on a fucking date, Grocery Girl. I ask. You answer. Simple."

I snorted.

"Geezh. I wonder what a normal date would be like for you then. A glass of red with someone's leg piece served on the side."

"I'm a gangster, not a cannibal. Though the human flesh does tend to tantalize me. Especially the neck piece."

Rocco gloated, as I glared at him. Yep, that shut me up.

"So, what were you doing at Prem's house?"



"I was at Aman's house. Also known as Prem's younger brother. He and I are best friends. I went to go hang out with him."

"Just hang, or were there talks involved about a certain arrangement?"

I figured it was best to play it cool. As lies equated to a death warrant when it came to gangsters. Loyalty was their only salvation in a circle of enemies.

"I only told him about the internship which I believe is normal to tell as so."

Rocco inspected me like he was looking at a whole new species.

"Are you warranting a death wish? What if he informs his brother? Or was this a ploy of yours the whole time? Instead of Prem. Your reaching out to his brother instead?"

"No, No, No and No."

"You could just say no once."

"You asked me to answer all your questions."

Rocco grunted in response.

"Little Wolf, if Prem founds out about us. I'm going to do things to you I won't be proud of."

My heart began to exhilarate.

"You feel bad about hurting me?"

Rocco gripped the steering wheel, as I gazed at him. There was an unreadable expression on his face.

"I couldn't care less. But your the last person I ever want to make a deal with."

Rocco spat, increasing his foot on the pedal. My mood immediately soured.

"It's not my fault that you stormed into my store."

"No, but it's all Prem's fault."

"Why are you guys so obsessed with each other? I mean I understand the cop and gangster angle. But it seems like a better love story than twilight."

"What's Twilight?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his lack of pop culture awareness. It was actually endearing to see him bewildered. I wondered if he knew who Beyonce was. That was a conversation for later.

"I'll tell you if you answer another question of mine. How did you know I was at Prem's house?"

He looked at me intensely.

"I had Stephen track you."


I began searching around myself, as a light chuckle came out of Rocco.

"There's no fun in telling you. Now tell me what's Twilight?"

"There's no fun in telling you. You can find out yourself."

I mimicked his words, as Rocco shrugged it off.

"Cool. I guess the same applies for you."

"I thought we were over you stalking me. Are you going to follow me everywhere?"

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