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The door closed and you felt your heart beating way too fast. You held in your breath while pressing your eyes together.

Your whole body shook and you seemed to explode out of anxiety.

Seconds passed and you noticed already that you couldn't hold your breath any longer.

Something isn't right.. I'm so weak and dizzy..

"This room does not contain the poison."

You breathed out and fell on your knees. You choked and took deep breathes.

Your hand held your throat and you sat back. It took you a moment to catch your breath and calm down.

I can't believe it. I really am gonna survive.

The timer showed one minute and you slowly got up. You took a deep breath and walked to the door, grabbing the mask already.

Your fingers were still shaking and you tried to mentally prepare yourself.

What if.. I die anyways. When something goes wrong or.. I don't know.

You pulled the mask on and as soon as the door opened, you walked in and the mask locked.

The door shut close and you shivered. You slowly looked around.

"This room does contain the poison."

You closed your eyes in the moment, breathing in. When you opened your eyes, you saw a bouquet of flowers again. This time the flowers were wilted.

You walked to the exit and looked impatient at the timer. You wanted to get out of here.

The next few years you would definitely skip the train and take the bus instead.

When the door finally opened, you ran outside.

"Congratulations. You won."

You ripped the mask off and breathed the fresh air in. You stayed for some seconds like this before looking to the other trains.

The girl you saw before walked out with a grin. Her eyes stopped at your face, she didn't say anything and walked out of the game area.

You looked around for other survivors. It were only her and you.

You left the game area and didn't see the girl anymore. You wondered if she knew about Beach.


You slowly walked up the stairs, looking at each step you made.

Thankfully you didn't need to use your body at all for the game, you had enough pain already.

Finally you arrived on the floor of your room, you were already fantasizing of your bed.

"I see you've made it."

Your body stopped and you took a deep breath. Your eyes met his and you immeditally bit your bottom lip.

Niragi was covered in blood. His pants were lightly ripped and his arms were covered with some scratches. He had a busted lip and some dried blood drops on his cheek.

"Are you hurt?", he whispered.

You started to blink befor looking in his eyes. Now he was only a step away from you, you didn't notice him walking closer.

Slowly you shook your head, "Still the same wounds..", you looked back down at his clothes.

Suddenly you felt a finger on your chin, lifting your head. "I'm not hurt either."

You slightly breathed out and he couldn't stop himself from grinning. You could feel his breath on your face now.


Niragi took a step back, pulling his finger away and looking behind you for a moment. You turned in that direction.

Kuina got to you, "Guess you beat the chance of dying.", she winked.

You smiled. "I'm glad you're alive too Kuina. Is Chishiya..?"

She shook fast her head, "Of course not." She took your arm. "Are you hurt somewhere? I'll walk you to your room."

"Oh thanks.", you looked back to Niragi, only to realize he was gone.

Did I just imagine him? Impossible.

- - - - -

If I'm being honset, I never thought it will take me this long to write this story and also the part of the romance like damn we're in chapter 18 and there hasn't even been a kiss scene.

To everyone who is still reading, thank you so so much! Y'all are the sweetest <3

survive | alice in borderland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now